日本 Iwatani Yakimaru Ii CB-SLG-2 卡式燃气无烟烤肉架是在家中舒适烧烤多汁肉类和蔬菜的完美工具。这款先进的烤肉架使用卡式燃气系统快速加热,其无烟功能可确保健康、清洁的烹饪体验。Yakimaru Ii 还具有由耐用不锈钢制成的烹饪表面,易于清洁且耐用性极佳。Yakimaru Ii 设计时尚,一定会为您的厨房带来现代感。使用 Yakimaru Ii 体验正宗日本烤肉的浓郁烟熏风味!
I haven't used it yet. I have researched it before buying, and I have used it in Japan, so I know exactly what to expect. The customer service is absolutely exellent and the agents with whom I was dealing were extremely helpful.