Eye Care
- Acropass (1)
- Albion (6)
- Astalift (1)
- AXXZIA (3)
- Beauty Planning (1)
- Bioré (1)
- Cleansing Balm (2)
- Cosmetech (3)
- DHC (1)
- DR.Ci:Labo (1)
- Equipe (1)
- FANCL (2)
- Hadariki Japan (1)
- Ishizawa (1)
- Japan With Love (3)
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- Kose (7)
- Kracie (1)
- Kracie Hadabisei (1)
- L'Oreal (1)
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- Melty Wink (1)
- Mikimoto Cosmetics (1)
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- Santen (1)
- Shiseido (15)
元の価格 $82.00 - 元の価格 $82.00元の価格 $82.00$82.00$82.00 - $82.00現在の価格 $82.00| /
1 reviewライオンスマイル40プレミアム点眼薬–15ml。目のかすみや目の老化やストレスによる目の痛みなどの問題に対処する10種類の成分が含まれています。防腐剤フリー。マレイン酸クロルフェニラミンと塩酸テトラヒドロゾリンでかゆみと発赤に対処します。また、3種類のビタミン(ビタミンA、E、B6)がかすみ目...
詳細を全部見る元の価格 $82.00 - 元の価格 $82.00元の価格 $82.00$82.00$82.00 - $82.00現在の価格 $82.00| / -
元の価格 $61.00元の価格 $61.00 - 元の価格 $61.00元の価格 $61.00現在の価格 $43.00$43.00 - $43.00現在の価格 $43.00| /
FXネオ点眼薬V + 12mL
4 reviews【製品導入】かすみ目、倦怠感、結膜充血、かゆみ目【使用量と投与量】一度に2〜3滴、1日5〜6回塗布します。 【使用上の注意】以下の場合に使用する前に、医師、薬剤師、または登録販売者に相談してください。 (1)治療を受けている人。 (2)薬に対するアレルギー反応を経験した人。 (3)症状のある人...
詳細を全部見る元の価格 $61.00元の価格 $61.00 - 元の価格 $61.00元の価格 $61.00現在の価格 $43.00$43.00 - $43.00現在の価格 $43.00| /$18.00割引 $0.00割引 -
元の価格 $110.00元の価格 $110.00 - 元の価格 $110.00元の価格 $110.00現在の価格 $72.00$72.00 - $72.00現在の価格 $72.00| /
3 reviews目の下のしわやスマイルラインの化粧品ソリューションWエイジングケアのアンチリンクル/アンチスポット。薬用美白成分プラセンタがお肌の奥深くまで浸透し、メラニンの生成を抑え、シミやくすみのない透明感のあるお肌へと導きます。コラーゲン・大麦エキスなどの成分が目の下の小じわやスマイルラインをケアし、た...
詳細を全部見る元の価格 $110.00元の価格 $110.00 - 元の価格 $110.00元の価格 $110.00現在の価格 $72.00$72.00 - $72.00現在の価格 $72.00| /$38.00割引 $0.00割引 -
元の価格 $69.00元の価格 $69.00 - 元の価格 $69.00元の価格 $69.00現在の価格 $53.00$53.00 - $53.00現在の価格 $53.00| /
1 review仕事で一日を過ごした後、目のかすみ、倦怠感、乾燥、かゆみに悩まされることがあります。ようじゅんすい点眼薬は、睡眠中にこれらの症状を和らげるのに役立ちます。ロート養潤水αは、目の疲れの症状、かすみ目、全身の不快感、睡眠中のかゆみを和らげる日本の点眼薬です。
元の価格 $69.00元の価格 $69.00 - 元の価格 $69.00元の価格 $69.00現在の価格 $53.00$53.00 - $53.00現在の価格 $53.00| /$16.00割引 $0.00割引 -
元の価格 $99.00元の価格 $99.00 - 元の価格 $99.00元の価格 $99.00現在の価格 $59.00$59.00 - $59.00現在の価格 $59.00| /
1 reviewサナなめらか本浦イソフラボンアイクリームは、しわを防ぐために大豆イソフラボン抽出物を配合した日本のアンチエイジング保湿アイクリームです。香料、人工着色料、ミネラルオイルは一切使用しておりません。詳細:ブランド:サナ重量:47.0 g日本製
元の価格 $99.00元の価格 $99.00 - 元の価格 $99.00元の価格 $99.00現在の価格 $59.00$59.00 - $59.00現在の価格 $59.00| /$40.00割引 $0.00割引 -
元の価格 $173.00元の価格 $173.00 - 元の価格 $173.00元の価格 $173.00現在の価格 $124.00$124.00 - $124.00現在の価格 $124.00| /
2 reviews日本産尿素モイスチャーアイクリーム(30g)
元の価格 $173.00元の価格 $173.00 - 元の価格 $173.00元の価格 $173.00現在の価格 $124.00$124.00 - $124.00現在の価格 $124.00| /$49.00割引 $0.00割引 -
元の価格 $1,497.00元の価格 $1,497.00 - 元の価格 $1,497.00元の価格 $1,497.00現在の価格 $1,266.00$1,266.00 - $1,266.00現在の価格 $1,266.00| /
詳細を全部見る元の価格 $1,497.00元の価格 $1,497.00 - 元の価格 $1,497.00元の価格 $1,497.00現在の価格 $1,266.00$1,266.00 - $1,266.00現在の価格 $1,266.00| /$231.00割引 $0.00割引 -
元の価格 $560.00元の価格 $560.00 - 元の価格 $560.00元の価格 $560.00現在の価格 $331.00$331.00 - $331.00現在の価格 $331.00| /
No reviews資生堂リバイタルリンクルリフトレティーノサイエンスAaアイマスク12ペア詳細:ブランド:資生堂重量:34.0 g日本製
元の価格 $560.00元の価格 $560.00 - 元の価格 $560.00元の価格 $560.00現在の価格 $331.00$331.00 - $331.00現在の価格 $331.00| /$229.00割引 $0.00割引 -
元の価格 $569.00元の価格 $569.00 - 元の価格 $569.00元の価格 $569.00現在の価格 $540.00$540.00 - $540.00現在の価格 $540.00| /
No reviewsアクティブピュアレチノールは、ヒアルロン酸の生成を促進します。これにより、皮膚内の水分含有量が増加し、肌が柔らかくなります。資生堂リバイタルリンクルリフトAAは、目や口の周りなどの乾燥肌に潤いを与え、引き締める美容液です。資生堂の「アクティブレチノール」は、シワを改善する有効成分として日本で初...
詳細を全部見る元の価格 $569.00元の価格 $569.00 - 元の価格 $569.00元の価格 $569.00現在の価格 $540.00$540.00 - $540.00現在の価格 $540.00| /$29.00割引 $0.00割引 -
元の価格 $386.00元の価格 $386.00 - 元の価格 $386.00元の価格 $386.00現在の価格 $318.00$318.00 - $318.00現在の価格 $318.00| /
詳細を全部見る元の価格 $386.00元の価格 $386.00 - 元の価格 $386.00元の価格 $386.00現在の価格 $318.00$318.00 - $318.00現在の価格 $318.00| /$68.00割引 $0.00割引 -
元の価格 $827.00元の価格 $827.00 - 元の価格 $827.00元の価格 $827.00現在の価格 $587.00$587.00 - $587.00現在の価格 $587.00| /
人々に活力、若い目を与えます。肌に素早く浸透し(※1)、すぐにメイクアップに入ることができます。厳選されたハーブと花を使った濃縮ピテラガンマ「3つの天然成分(* 2)カクテル」。目の周りの肌を柔らかくし、ツヤを与えます。ペトラガンマ:ガラクトマイズミディアム(全筋肉保湿剤)* 1:キューティク...
詳細を全部見る元の価格 $827.00元の価格 $827.00 - 元の価格 $827.00元の価格 $827.00現在の価格 $587.00$587.00 - $587.00現在の価格 $587.00| /$240.00割引 $0.00割引 -
元の価格 $109.00元の価格 $109.00 - 元の価格 $109.00元の価格 $109.00現在の価格 $65.00$65.00 - $65.00現在の価格 $65.00| /
元の価格 $109.00元の価格 $109.00 - 元の価格 $109.00元の価格 $109.00現在の価格 $65.00$65.00 - $65.00現在の価格 $65.00| /$44.00割引 $0.00割引 -
元の価格 $1,379.00元の価格 $1,379.00 - 元の価格 $1,379.00元の価格 $1,379.00現在の価格 $983.00$983.00 - $983.00現在の価格 $983.00| /
3 reviewsうるおい・老化ケア※ハリ感あふれる肌へと導くクリーム真のストライクを搭載したハリ感を与え、本来の肌との可能性を引き出すインタラクティブテクノロジー。健康的なサイクルをたっぷりと保ち、潤いを与え、乾燥による外傷を失わない肌へと導きます。濃厚なしっとり感のあるケアの満足度を高めます。アレルギー検査...
詳細を全部見る元の価格 $1,379.00元の価格 $1,379.00 - 元の価格 $1,379.00元の価格 $1,379.00現在の価格 $983.00$983.00 - $983.00現在の価格 $983.00| /$396.00割引 $0.00割引 -
元の価格 $647.00元の価格 $647.00 - 元の価格 $647.00元の価格 $647.00現在の価格 $427.00$427.00 - $427.00現在の価格 $427.00| /
毎朝または夕方に1日1回集中治療を行いたい場合は、朝夕に1日2回使用してください。 1.クレンジング後、ローションでお肌を整え、付属のピンセットで1枚ずつ取り出します。 2.目の周りにフィットし、軽く押して閉じます。 3.10-シートを通過してから15分後、クリームなどで仕上げます。
元の価格 $647.00元の価格 $647.00 - 元の価格 $647.00元の価格 $647.00現在の価格 $427.00$427.00 - $427.00現在の価格 $427.00| /$220.00割引 $0.00割引 -
元の価格 $0.00 - 元の価格 $0.00元の価格 $0.00$70.00$70.00 - $70.00現在の価格 $70.00| /
Biore Tegotae Eye Mask Pack - 16 Hydrating Patc...
Kao Bioré Tegotae Eye Mask Pack 16 Patches Product Description: The skin around the eyes, if not taken care of, will appear wrinkles around the c...
詳細を全部見る元の価格 $0.00 - 元の価格 $0.00元の価格 $0.00$70.00$70.00 - $70.00現在の価格 $70.00| / -
元の価格 $251.00元の価格 $251.00 - 元の価格 $251.00元の価格 $251.00現在の価格 $145.00$145.00 - $145.00現在の価格 $145.00| /
●敏感肌の荒れた肌、傘を繰り返し乾燥させる傾向があり、肌への刺激を防ぎます。 ●消炎剤配合(有効成分) ●セラミドケア:「セラミド」の働きを保湿サプリメント●保湿処方:肌の薄い目やまぶたをしっかりとキャッチし、長時間保湿します。乾燥などの外部刺激から肌を守ります。 -保湿成分(セラミド機能成分...
詳細を全部見る元の価格 $251.00元の価格 $251.00 - 元の価格 $251.00元の価格 $251.00現在の価格 $145.00$145.00 - $145.00現在の価格 $145.00| /$106.00割引 $0.00割引 -
元の価格 $408.00 - 元の価格 $408.00元の価格 $408.00$408.00$408.00 - $408.00現在の価格 $408.00| /
詳細を全部見る元の価格 $408.00 - 元の価格 $408.00元の価格 $408.00$408.00$408.00 - $408.00現在の価格 $408.00| / -
元の価格 $176.00元の価格 $176.00 - 元の価格 $176.00元の価格 $176.00現在の価格 $88.00$88.00 - $88.00現在の価格 $88.00| /
No reviewsフローフシザアイクリーム7.5G詳細:ブランド:Flowfushi日本製
元の価格 $176.00元の価格 $176.00 - 元の価格 $176.00元の価格 $176.00現在の価格 $88.00$88.00 - $88.00現在の価格 $88.00| /$88.00割引 $0.00割引 -
元の価格 $154.00元の価格 $154.00 - 元の価格 $154.00元の価格 $154.00現在の価格 $78.00$78.00 - $78.00現在の価格 $78.00| /
元の価格 $154.00元の価格 $154.00 - 元の価格 $154.00元の価格 $154.00現在の価格 $78.00$78.00 - $78.00現在の価格 $78.00| /$76.00割引 $0.00割引 -
元の価格 $389.00元の価格 $389.00 - 元の価格 $389.00元の価格 $389.00現在の価格 $331.00$331.00 - $331.00現在の価格 $331.00| /
1 review集中的なアイケアのための浸透性血清目の周りの集中的な治療のために必要で選択された美容成分を持っています。
元の価格 $389.00元の価格 $389.00 - 元の価格 $389.00元の価格 $389.00現在の価格 $331.00$331.00 - $331.00現在の価格 $331.00| /$58.00割引 $0.00割引 -
元の価格 $82.00元の価格 $82.00 - 元の価格 $82.00元の価格 $82.00現在の価格 $68.00$68.00 - $68.00現在の価格 $68.00| /
・目の老化ケア。ハリ感があります。 -目の周りはデリケートな薄い肌です。乾燥した目にやさしく見え、経年変化でハリと潤いを与えます。 -口も使えます。ローションやクリームなどでお肌をコンディショニングした後、適量(パールサイズ)を取り、目の周りをやさしくこすります。目が見えないようにご注意くださ...
詳細を全部見る元の価格 $82.00元の価格 $82.00 - 元の価格 $82.00元の価格 $82.00現在の価格 $68.00$68.00 - $68.00現在の価格 $68.00| /$14.00割引 $0.00割引 -
元の価格 $399.00元の価格 $399.00 - 元の価格 $399.00元の価格 $399.00現在の価格 $379.00$379.00 - $379.00現在の価格 $379.00| /
デジタル機器の使用による印象の変化に目を向け、資生堂独自のレニューラテクノロジーアイトリートメント※を搭載し、肌への敏感さへのアプローチ。使用するたびに乾燥するため、柔らかくて明るく、潤いがあり、目立たない細い線をすぐに使用して目の周りに向けます※※。 ※乾燥を防ぎ、なめらかな肌へと導きます。...
詳細を全部見る元の価格 $399.00元の価格 $399.00 - 元の価格 $399.00元の価格 $399.00現在の価格 $379.00$379.00 - $379.00現在の価格 $379.00| /完売 -
元の価格 $651.00元の価格 $651.00 - 元の価格 $651.00元の価格 $651.00現在の価格 $433.00$433.00 - $433.00現在の価格 $433.00| /
元の価格 $651.00元の価格 $651.00 - 元の価格 $651.00元の価格 $651.00現在の価格 $433.00$433.00 - $433.00現在の価格 $433.00| /$218.00割引 $0.00割引 -
元の価格 $177.00 - 元の価格 $177.00元の価格 $177.00$177.00$177.00 - $177.00現在の価格 $177.00| /
詳細を全部見る元の価格 $177.00 - 元の価格 $177.00元の価格 $177.00$177.00$177.00 - $177.00現在の価格 $177.00| /完売
Our eyes are a precious gift, and caring for them is paramount to maintaining overall health and well-being. Our eyes allow us to navigate the world, appreciate its beauty, and connect with others.
However, eye care goes beyond maintaining good vision; it encompasses the health of our eyes and their surrounding structures. In this journey, we will discover how the Japanese maintain a healthy eye care Japan routine to protect their eyes as well as their surrounding structures as a step in their daily care!
1. Traditional Japanese Eye Care Practices
Rooted in centuries-old traditions, traditional Japanese eye care practices are passed down through generations. Japanese eye care practices are a reflection of the country's deep respect for nature, balance, and holistic well-being.
1.1. Gankyo: The Art of Eye Bathing
Healthy eye care Japan practices often begin with the soothing ritual of "Gankyo," or eye bathing. Warm water infused with natural ingredients such as green tea is gently splashed onto closed eyes. Green tea, known for its antioxidant properties, also plays a role in eye care.
Japanese use green tea bags as an eyes caring practice
The Japanese have long believed in the soothing and rejuvenating effects of warm green tea bags as eye compresses. The tea's anti-inflammatory properties help reduce puffiness and redness around the eyes. Additionally, the calming ritual of brewing and applying the warm tea bags encourages relaxation, which is a crucial element of Japanese eye care.
1.2. Blinking Exercises
To combat the effects of prolonged screen time, blinking exercises are practiced. This simple yet effective technique involves frequent blinking to refresh the eyes and reduce dryness caused by extended periods of staring at screens.
1.3. Natural Remedies for Refreshing Eyes
Healthy eye care Japan incorporates natural remedies that harness the power of simple, yet effective, ingredients. Cucumber slices are a classic choice for reducing eye puffiness. The cooling effect of cucumber slices placed over closed eyelids offers relief from fatigue and refreshes tired eyes.
Cucumber slices can be used for a healthy eye care Japan practice
However, in the pursuit of healthy eyes, the Japanese not only use traditional practices but also have embraced a harmonious blend of those and modern solutions such as Japanese eye cream or Japan eye mask - which we are going to explore in the following section.
2. Modern Eye Care Solutions
Japanese always embrace innovative eye care products that complement traditional practices, such as following:
2.1. Eye Cream Japanese: A Staple in Skin Care and Eye Care
Eye cream Japanese has achieved a reputation for excellence worldwide. These potent formulations are designed to target common eye area concerns such as fine lines, puffiness, and dark circles. It is enriched with ingredients like hyaluronic acid, collagen, and vitamin E, all chosen for their ability to nourish and rejuvenate the delicate skin around the eyes.
Eye cream Japanese is applied as part of a daily skincare routine, usually in the morning and before bedtime. It is gently patted onto the skin using the ring finger to avoid excessive pressure on the delicate eye area. This soothing ritual not only provides visible results but also encourages relaxation—a core principle in Japanese eye care and skin care.
One of the well-known eye cream is KOSE HadaJun Eye Cream. This eye cream Japanese is enriched with Rice Power No. 11, stands out for its exceptional hydrating abilities, ensuring the delicate skin around your eyes remains plump and moisturized.
Try this eye cream Japanese at Kose Rice Skin Hadajun Improve Eye Cream
It is tailored to maintain skin firmness, enhance resilience, and even brighten the eye area, diminishing the appearance of dark circles. Moreover, it stimulates ceramide production on the stratum corneum, contributing to robust skin barrier function. For those aiming to combat common eye concerns like dryness, dark circles, and fine lines, this eye cream is a valuable addition to both morning and evening regimens.
2.2. Revitalization with Japan Eye Mask
Japan eye mask is a treat for the eyes and a quintessential element of modern eye care routines. It is designed to target specific concerns, offering solutions for tired eyes, puffiness, and fine lines.
Infused with nourishing ingredients like hyaluronic acid, collagen, and botanical extracts, Japan eye mask provides a spa-like experience at home. It is applied for a short period, often around 10-20 minutes, allowing the skin to absorb the rich essence and rejuvenate the eye area.
The Deep Moist Eye Mask 60 Sheets by Quality First is a specialized Japan eye mask designed to provide care for the delicate skin surrounding the eyes. Formulated to address common eye area concerns such as dryness and loss of firmness, this eye mask is crafted from thick and soft pure cotton sheet material, ensuring a comfortable fit.
Try this Japan eye mask at Deep Moist Eye Mask 60 Sheets Quality First
Infused with a carefully formulated serum, it works to restore moisture and firmness to the skin, promoting a more youthful and translucent appearance. Notably, this Japan eye mask is preservative-free, making it gentle and suitable for use on the sensitive skin around the eyes.
2.3. Japan Eye Wash: A Gentle Eye Care
Japan eye wash solutions have gained popularity for their gentle and effective approach to eye cleansing. These products are used to rinse and refresh the eyes, offering relief from dryness, irritation, and eye fatigue. Japan eye wash solutions often include natural ingredients like chamomile and green tea extracts, known for their soothing properties.
Using eye wash is also prevent eye diseases
Japan eye wash promotes a sense of cleansing and rejuvenation, aligning with the broader principles of Japanese skincare—gentle yet effective care that supports overall well-being.
ROHTO Lycee Eye Wash is a popular Japan eye care product manufactured by the renowned pharmaceutical company Rohto. This Japan eye wash is specially formulated to offer relief and thorough cleansing for the eyes.
ROHTO Lycee Eye Wash recognized for its vibrant pink color
It serves the essential purpose of removing debris, dirt, and irritants that can accumulate in the eyes, making it a valuable preventive measure to maintain eye hygiene and comfort. Infused with three beneficial vitamins, it contributes to soothing and cleansing the eyes effectively.
2.4. Healthy Eye Care Drops from Japan
Japanese eye drops are celebrated for their effectiveness in addressing common eye discomforts, such as dryness, redness, and itchiness. These products often contain natural ingredients like seawater and herbal extracts, providing soothing relief without causing irritation.
Eye drops are also an integral part of daily healthy eye care Japan routines. They are used to combat the effects of environmental factors, prolonged screen time, and dry indoor environments. The application of eye drops is a quick and simple practice that brings instant comfort and relief to tired eyes.
Rohto Lycee B (8ml) is a highly regarded Japanese eye drop product designed primarily for women but suitable for anyone seeking gentle and refreshing eye relief. This healthy eye care drops from Japan offers a range of benefits, including anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce eye irritation and discomfort.
Try this eye cream Japanese at Rohto Lycee b (8ml)
It is an excellent choice for preventing dry eyes and maintaining overall eye comfort and is known for its ability to relieve eye fatigue, making it particularly useful for individuals who spend extended periods in front of screens or in environments that strain the eyes. This product is also used preventively to support visual acuity and protect against eye infections.
3. Conclusion
Taken as a whole, modern healthy eye care Japan solutions are a testament to the nation's dedication to preserving vision and promoting eye health. These products and routines combine the power of science and nature, offering effective and nurturing care for the eyes. By incorporating these elements into your own skincare regimen, you can embrace the wisdom of Japanese eye care and enjoy the benefits of healthy, radiant eyes. And, if you are finding a place to get these authentic Japanese eye care items, don’t hesitate to visit Japan With Love!