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Face Makeup Face Powder

Face Makeup Face Powder


  • Precio original $0.00 - Precio original $0.00
    Precio original $0.00
    $60.00 - $60.00
    Precio actual $60.00

    Rmk Airy Touch 無色定妝粉 01 附粉撲自然妝粉

    “使用 RMK Airy Touch Colorless Finishing Powder 01 體驗完美無瑕的妝容。這款散粉可通過粉撲打造自然妝容,易於塗抹,適合所有膚質。”

    Precio original $0.00 - Precio original $0.00
    Precio original $0.00
    $60.00 - $60.00
    Precio actual $60.00
  • Precio original $0.00 - Precio original $0.00
    Precio original $0.00
    $18.00 - $18.00
    Precio actual $18.00

    Majolica Majorca 保濕雞尾酒定妝粉清爽花香柑橘香味 60 毫升

    “使用 Majolica Majorca Moist Cocktail Fixer Ex Face Powder 煥活您的肌膚。享受 60 毫升清新花香柑橘香味配方,帶來卓越、持久的遮瑕效果。日常美容的完美選擇。”

    Precio original $0.00 - Precio original $0.00
    Precio original $0.00
    $18.00 - $18.00
    Precio actual $18.00
  • Precio original $0.00 - Precio original $0.00
    Precio original $0.00
    $54.00 - $54.00
    Precio actual $54.00

    RMK Airy 粉底 N 102 補充裝 - 輕盈底妝替代品

    「使用 RMK Airy Powder Foundation N 102 補充裝提升您的美容習慣。這款輕盈的底妝替代品提供完美無瑕、持久的遮瑕效果。是日常優雅的理想之選。

    Precio original $0.00 - Precio original $0.00
    Precio original $0.00
    $54.00 - $54.00
    Precio actual $54.00
  • Precio original $42.00
    Precio original $42.00 - Precio original $42.00
    Precio original $42.00
    Precio actual $39.00
    $39.00 - $39.00
    Precio actual $39.00

    Kao Sofina Primavista 雙效粉餅 OC 05 SPF25 PA++ 9g ...

    細節: 品牌:花王 尺寸:2.0cm x 7.0cm x 8.0cm 重量:9g

    Precio original $42.00
    Precio original $42.00 - Precio original $42.00
    Precio original $42.00
    Precio actual $39.00
    $39.00 - $39.00
    Precio actual $39.00
    Ahorre $3.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $17.00
    Precio original $17.00 - Precio original $17.00
    Precio original $17.00
    Precio actual $12.00
    $12.00 - $12.00
    Precio actual $12.00


    這款 Innisfree 無皮脂礦物粉 N 是油性肌膚人士的完美選擇。它吸收多餘的皮脂,縮小毛孔,打造自然、輕盈、不油膩的妝容。它採用天然礦物質配製而成,可控製油光,讓您的肌膚全天看起來清新健康。今天就嘗試一下,親自看看有何不同!

    Precio original $17.00
    Precio original $17.00 - Precio original $17.00
    Precio original $17.00
    Precio actual $12.00
    $12.00 - $12.00
    Precio actual $12.00
    Ahorre $5.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $51.00
    Precio original $51.00 - Precio original $51.00
    Precio original $51.00
    Precio actual $36.00
    $36.00 - $36.00
    Precio actual $36.00

    Kao Sofina Primavista 雙效粉餅 BO 05 SPF25 PA++ 9g ...

    細節: 品牌:花王 尺寸:2.0cm x 6.0cm x 8.0cm 重量:9g

    Precio original $51.00
    Precio original $51.00 - Precio original $51.00
    Precio original $51.00
    Precio actual $36.00
    $36.00 - $36.00
    Precio actual $36.00
    Ahorre $15.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $26.00
    Precio original $26.00 - Precio original $26.00
    Precio original $26.00
    Precio actual $15.00
    $15.00 - $15.00
    Precio actual $15.00

    Shiseido Aqua Label Moist Powdery Ocher 20 SPF2...

    資生堂 Aqua Label Moist Powder 粉赭石 20 補充裝 11.5G 細節: 品牌:資生堂 日本製造 * 此產品信息正在更新中,如需任何信息,請與我們聯繫。

    Precio original $26.00
    Precio original $26.00 - Precio original $26.00
    Precio original $26.00
    Precio actual $15.00
    $15.00 - $15.00
    Precio actual $15.00
    Ahorre $11.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $46.00
    Precio original $46.00 - Precio original $46.00
    Precio original $46.00
    Precio actual $37.00
    $37.00 - $37.00
    Precio actual $37.00

    Dhc 礦物蠶絲精華粉 8g - 粉狀精華 - 日本的面部彩妝產品

    細節: 品牌:dhc 尺寸:3.0cm x 7.0cm x 8.0cm 重量:60克

    Precio original $46.00
    Precio original $46.00 - Precio original $46.00
    Precio original $46.00
    Precio actual $37.00
    $37.00 - $37.00
    Precio actual $37.00
    Ahorre $9.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $74.00
    Precio original $74.00 - Precio original $74.00
    Precio original $74.00
    Precio actual $61.00
    $61.00 - $61.00
    Precio actual $61.00

    Coffret D'Or Color Skin Primer Uv 01 綠色 Spf20/P...

    Coffret D'Or Color Skin Primer Uv 01 Green Spf20/Pa+ Base 是那些希望保護皮膚免受太陽有害射線傷害的人的完美選擇。這款底漆採用 SPF 20 和 PA+ Base 配製而成,可提供持久的 UVA 和 UVB 射線防護。底漆中的綠色調有助於...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original $74.00
    Precio original $74.00 - Precio original $74.00
    Precio original $74.00
    Precio actual $61.00
    $61.00 - $61.00
    Precio actual $61.00
    Ahorre $13.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $48.00
    Precio original $48.00 - Precio original $48.00
    Precio original $48.00
    Precio actual $46.00
    $46.00 - $46.00
    Precio actual $46.00

    Maquillage 戲劇性粉狀紫外線粉紅赭色 10 補充裝 Spf25 Pa+++ 9.3G 日本

    使用 Maquillage Dramatic Powdery UV Pink Ochre 10 補充裝 SPF25 PA+++ 9.3G 日本,打造引人注目的妝容。這款神奇的粉末含有奶油和粉狀配方,有助於為您的肌膚帶來均勻的霧面效果。粉紅赭石呈現出自然的色彩,讓您的膚色煥發光彩。 SPF25 ...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original $48.00
    Precio original $48.00 - Precio original $48.00
    Precio original $48.00
    Precio actual $46.00
    $46.00 - $46.00
    Precio actual $46.00
    Ahorre $2.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $107.00 - Precio original $107.00
    Precio original $107.00
    $107.00 - $107.00
    Precio actual $107.00

    Shiseido Maquillage 雪美美白護膚粉 25g - 日本面部彩妝

    細節: 品牌:資生堂 尺寸:12.0cm x 12.0cm x 7.0cm 重量:180克

    Precio original $107.00 - Precio original $107.00
    Precio original $107.00
    $107.00 - $107.00
    Precio actual $107.00
  • Precio original $57.00
    Precio original $57.00 - Precio original $57.00
    Precio original $57.00
    Precio actual $46.00
    $46.00 - $46.00
    Precio actual $46.00

    Elixir Superieur 粉餅 Spf12 Pa+ 日本 9.5G

    Elixir Superieur 粉餅 SPF12 PA+ 日本 9.5 克是一款奢華輕盈的粉餅,適合所有膚質。它含有特殊的天然萃取物混合物,有助於防止陽光傷害和其他環境因素。這款粉末提供柔軟霧面效果,同時均勻膚色,模糊細紋和毛孔。這款粉末具有 SPF12 的防曬指數,具有輕度至中度遮蓋力和光...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original $57.00
    Precio original $57.00 - Precio original $57.00
    Precio original $57.00
    Precio actual $46.00
    $46.00 - $46.00
    Precio actual $46.00
    Ahorre $11.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $0.00 - Precio original $0.00
    Precio original $0.00
    $128.00 - $128.00
    Precio actual $128.00

    嘉娜寶 Lively Skin Wear 粉紅赭色 B1

    嘉娜寶 Lively Skin Wear Pink Ocher B1 讓您的肌膚看起來容光煥發、健康。這款輕盈、透氣的配方足夠溫和,適合每天使用,並提供持久的保護,抵禦惡劣的環境因素。它含有粉紅赭石萃取物,可透過抗氧化劑滋養您的肌膚,幫助保護肌膚免受自由基損傷。擁有完美膚色和增強光澤,倍感自信。

    Precio original $0.00 - Precio original $0.00
    Precio original $0.00
    $128.00 - $128.00
    Precio actual $128.00
  • Precio original $44.00 - Precio original $44.00
    Precio original $44.00
    $44.00 - $44.00
    Precio actual $44.00

    Maquillage 戲劇蜜粉 #Lucent 補充裝蜜粉日本平行進口

    使用 Maquillage Dramatic Loose Powder #Lucent Refill Face Powder 為您的肌膚打造自然無瑕的外觀。這款日本平行進口配方採用超細紋理,打造柔和的霧面效果,並帶有一絲純粹的光澤。它有助於吸收多餘的油脂並減少油光,同時提供光滑、均勻的覆蓋效果...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original $44.00 - Precio original $44.00
    Precio original $44.00
    $44.00 - $44.00
    Precio actual $44.00
  • Precio original $53.00
    Precio original $53.00 - Precio original $53.00
    Precio original $53.00
    Precio actual $48.00
    $48.00 - $48.00
    Precio actual $48.00

    資生堂 Maquillage 戲劇性粉狀 Uv Ocher 10 補充裝日本

    推出日本​​資生堂 Maquillage 戲劇粉狀 UV 赭色 10 補充裝。這款輕盈持久的粉妝打造自然無瑕的妝容,非常適合想要無需修飾就能展現最佳狀態的人。其半透明質地使其成為打造自然霧面妝容的理想選擇,而其親膚成分可確保肌膚全天感覺舒適和水潤。其赭色色調確保均勻、半啞光的膚色,並帶有一絲光...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original $53.00
    Precio original $53.00 - Precio original $53.00
    Precio original $53.00
    Precio actual $48.00
    $48.00 - $48.00
    Precio actual $48.00
    Ahorre $5.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $22.00
    Precio original $22.00 - Precio original $22.00
    Precio original $22.00
    Precio actual $17.00
    $17.00 - $17.00
    Precio actual $17.00

    Shiseido Professional Stage Works True Effector...

    細節: 品牌: 資生堂 尺寸:7.0公分×7.0公分×4.0公分 重量:365公克

    Precio original $22.00
    Precio original $22.00 - Precio original $22.00
    Precio original $22.00
    Precio actual $17.00
    $17.00 - $17.00
    Precio actual $17.00
    Ahorre $5.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $65.00 - Precio original $65.00
    Precio original $65.00
    $72.00 - $72.00
    Precio actual $72.00

    Maquillage 透明蜜粉 SPF15・PA+ 10G

    隆重介紹 Maquillage Loose Powder Lucent SPF15・PA+ 10G,這是我們輕盈如空氣的蜜粉。這款高性能粉末具有 SPF15 的防曬指數,可保護肌膚,同時還具有霧面效果,使膚色更加完美。使用這款奢華粉末,享受持久的油光控制和自然明亮的膚色。

    Precio original $65.00 - Precio original $65.00
    Precio original $65.00
    $72.00 - $72.00
    Precio actual $72.00
  • Precio original $71.00
    Precio original $71.00 - Precio original $71.00
    Precio original $71.00
    Precio actual $54.00
    $54.00 - $54.00
    Precio actual $54.00

    Covermark Moisture Veil LX MN40 SPF32/ PA ++ 8g...

    Covermark / Covermark Moisture Vert Lx (Refill) Mn40 細節: 品牌:蓋馬克 日本製造 * 此產品信息正在更新中,如需任何信息,請與我們聯繫。

    Precio original $71.00
    Precio original $71.00 - Precio original $71.00
    Precio original $71.00
    Precio actual $54.00
    $54.00 - $54.00
    Precio actual $54.00
    Ahorre $17.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $56.00
    Precio original $56.00 - Precio original $56.00
    Precio original $56.00
    Precio actual $37.00
    $37.00 - $37.00
    Precio actual $37.00

    Time Secret 日本礦物粉餅 淺赭色 7G

    使用 Time Secret Japan Mineral Pressed Powder Light Ochre 7G 獲得美麗、自然的遮瑕效果。這款輕量粉末具有卓越的遮蓋力,易於混合,打造柔軟霧面妝容,不會結塊或沉澱物。這款粉末採用天然礦物質配製而成,即使是最敏感的皮膚類型也足夠溫和。憑藉其自...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original $56.00
    Precio original $56.00 - Precio original $56.00
    Precio original $56.00
    Precio actual $37.00
    $37.00 - $37.00
    Precio actual $37.00
    Ahorre $19.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $16.00 - Precio original $16.00
    Precio original $16.00
    $16.00 - $16.00
    Precio actual $16.00

    Innisfree No-Sebum Blur Powder 遮蓋不均勻的毛孔和細小的皺紋 -...

    細節: 品牌:悅詩風吟 尺寸:2.0cm x 5.0cm x 5.0cm 重量:20克

    Precio original $16.00 - Precio original $16.00
    Precio original $16.00
    $16.00 - $16.00
    Precio actual $16.00
  • Precio original $31.00
    Precio original $31.00 - Precio original $31.00
    Precio original $31.00
    Precio actual $18.00
    $18.00 - $18.00
    Precio actual $18.00

    Daisy Doll By Mary Quant 色彩修正底漆 Lv 薰衣草 - 日本彩妝底漆品牌

    細節: ■ 改變你的皮膚印象! G(綠色)→ 輕拍鼻子等容易發紅的部位塗抹,遮蓋毛孔和膚色不均,打造自然膚色。 LV(薰衣草)→也成為黃色(反色)的補色,很好地遮蓋淡黃色的暗沉,賦予膚色透明的膚色。 ■ 使用與皮膚運動同步的高度貼合處方,防止妝容塌陷。 ■ 透明的皮膚,從內部發光,...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original $31.00
    Precio original $31.00 - Precio original $31.00
    Precio original $31.00
    Precio actual $18.00
    $18.00 - $18.00
    Precio actual $18.00
    Ahorre $13.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $98.00 - Precio original $98.00
    Precio original $98.00
    $111.00 - $111.00
    Precio actual $111.00

    嘉娜寶 Kanebo 蜜粉日本米蘭系列 2019 24G

    使用嘉娜寶日本米蘭系列 2019 臉部提升粉餅,體驗日本最好的美感。其特殊配方有助於吸收多餘的皮脂和油脂,為您帶來自然、霧面的妝容,不會結塊或起皺。 24 克大小確保您有足夠的粉末供日常使用,米蘭系列 2019 年版本以其獨特的閃亮妝容增添了一絲魅力。嘉娜寶 Face Up Powder 非常...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original $98.00 - Precio original $98.00
    Precio original $98.00
    $111.00 - $111.00
    Precio actual $111.00
  • Precio original $75.00
    Precio original $75.00 - Precio original $75.00
    Precio original $75.00
    Precio actual $52.00
    $52.00 - $52.00
    Precio actual $52.00

    Manara 蜜粉 SPF23/PA+ [refill] 20g - 日本保濕蜜粉

    細節: 品牌:瑪娜拉 尺寸:3.0cm x 8.0cm x 10.0cm 重量:40克

    Precio original $75.00
    Precio original $75.00 - Precio original $75.00
    Precio original $75.00
    Precio actual $52.00
    $52.00 - $52.00
    Precio actual $52.00
    Ahorre $23.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $155.00
    Precio original $155.00 - Precio original $155.00
    Precio original $155.00
    Precio actual $121.00
    $121.00 - $121.00
    Precio actual $121.00

    Pola Ba Finishing Powder N Long Lasting Glow &a...

    細節: 品牌:波拉巴 重量:16g

    Precio original $155.00
    Precio original $155.00 - Precio original $155.00
    Precio original $155.00
    Precio actual $121.00
    $121.00 - $121.00
    Precio actual $121.00
    Ahorre $34.00 Ahorre $0.00

What is Face Powder?

Face powder is a sort of cosmetic item used to balance out skin tone and smooth the appearance of the facial skin. It can be applied on its own or in addition to liquid foundation. There are typically two types of powder: loose and pressed. Usually supplied in a little tub, loose powder is applied with a powder puff or makeup brush. Applying pressed powder requires a smaller powder puff or makeup sponge and is supplied in compacts that typically include a mirror on one side.

What is face powder used for?

Face powder is mostly used to set makeup in place or to mattify oily complexions. Dust, blend and buff powder over the oily areas to help banish shine and stop your makeup from melting away. You can also use loose face powders to bake your contour to help create a crease-free finish.

Pressed powder - How to select the perfect shade? 

When choosing the pressed powder shade, always select one that perfectly matches your skin colour. One shade lighter will make your skin look grey and ashy, and a shade darker will not flatter it nicely. Remember – apply a tester on your cheeks or jawline to know your closest shade. Be aware of your skin type and the level of coverage you desire before going out to purchase a pressed powder.

  • Choose a product with a pink undertone that is one or two shades lighter than your natural skin tone if you have lighter skin.
  • Choose a press powder that perfectly matches your skin's undertone of orange or yellow if you have a deeper skin tone.
  • The level of makeup coverage you desire will also influence your choice of pressed powder. Choose the products with sheer coverage if you want a natural finish.
  • Pressed powder for oily skin type:

A pressed powder offering a mattifying effect is ideal for oily-skinned beauties as that helps control the excess oil secretion. Pressed powders are excellent for touch-ups throughout the day since they prevent your makeup from smearing and keep it looking good all day. However, bear in mind the following things when purchasing pressed powder for oily skin:

  • Look for a pressed powder with a mattifying effect when selecting one for oily skin to stop the overproduction of oil.
  • The powders that promise shine and radiance should be avoided because they might make your face appear greasy and oily.
  • Choose a pressed powder that is sweat-proof or waterproof if you have the option.
  • Pressed powder for dry skin type:

Beauties with dry skin must put in a little extra work while choosing the correct cosmetics to hydrate their skin. The following things should be considered when selecting a pressed powder for dry skin:

  • Never pick pressed powders with a matte finish because they tend to make your skin look drier. Choose a translucent makeup fixing powder or a cream-based pressed powder instead so it doesn't seem flaky.
  • Choose a product that can be used on all skin types. Look for active components that will calm your skin and reduce its scaliness, such as Vitamin E.
  • Pressed powder for sensitive skin type:

The most difficult skin type to use makeup on without producing breakouts or widespread redness is sensitive skin. However, when selecting a pressed powder, gorgeous women with sensitive skin should be mindful of the following:

  • Avoid purchasing pressed powders with scents, emollient oils, waxes, or dangerous preservatives. For those with delicate skin types, these are a strict no-no.
  • Check out the ingredients in the pressed powder you've chosen, whether you have dry or oily skin. Choose products with all-natural ingredients, such as vitamin E and Japanese Sakura, a delicate and uncommon blossom with high antioxidant levels.

Where to get Japanese Face Powder? 

Now that you are aware of the benefits that face powder can bring about, you must be eager to know where you can buy one for yourself. In that case, head over to our online store Japan with Love. We have a wide selection of genuine face powper in Japan that you can browse. We also provide quick delivery. Visit us to avail of the perks of face powder makeup sooner than later!