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A Few Things To Know When Building A Weight Loss Plan

On the market today, there are many misconceptions or wrong weight loss methods, making it difficult to plan, leading to your weight loss journey still without results. In this article, Japan With Love will give some notes when building a weight loss plan to make the process effective. Let's find out together!


Bodyweight is influenced by many factors such as fat amount, bone size, muscle ratio, body water weight,... Therefore, weight loss is understood as a reduction in body mass by reducing the number of calories that the body consumes as well as increasing calorie burning by exercising regularly.

A weight loss plan is a collection of weight loss activities and tasks arranged in a certain sequence to achieve a set goal.

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Most people who want to lose weight show that determination by dieting and signing up for weight loss exercises. However, because there is no clear plan and goal, the weight loss process only takes place in a short time, making it easy to gain the weight back. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a specific weight loss plan including weight loss goals, diet, exercise time,... This allows you to be proactive, take it seriously, and be more determined to achieve your goal. The reduction process went smoothly.


If you feel pressured, self-conscious about your oversized appearance or want to improve your health, start planning your weight loss from here. Losing weight helps to get a slimmer and firmer body while avoiding overweight and obesity and limiting the risk of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Here are 3 indicators to help you check whether you are overweight or not.

Body BMI

BMI - Body Mass Index (also known as body mass index, body mass index) is a commonly used tool to measure body fat. BMI helps to identify people who are obese or malnourished in a scientific way, thereby giving an effective weight loss/gain plan.
BMI is calculated by the following formula:
BMI = W/ [(H)2]
In there:
BMI: commonly used unit kg/m2
W: Weight (kg)
H: Height (m)
After you have calculated your BMI, you can evaluate yourself through the following statistics table:

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If your BMI is above 18.5, start planning your weight loss as soon as possible.

Body fat percentage

Body fat percentage is understood as the ratio of total body fat to total body weight, which can change as you gain/lose muscle or fat. Compared with BMI, the percentage of body fat more easily reflects whether the body is fat or thin. It is also the reason why some people of the same weight look very thin, while others look very fat.

Referring to the amount of fat on the body, everyone mistakenly thinks that this is just an excess, ugly. Body fat plays an important role in the body, including protecting muscles from damage, maintaining body temperature, producing hormones, and many others. Therefore, you need to establish a threshold so that you know how much you can lose without affecting your health. Normally, the body fat percentage in adults is between 25-31% for women and 18-25% for men. You can refer to the table of classification of body fat percentages below:

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Fat is usually concentrated in the abdominal area. This accumulation of belly fat is one of the causes of chronic diseases because it surrounds important internal organs such as the heart, liver, pancreas,... According to experts, a man's waist circumference Gender should be limited to a maximum of 90cm, women are 85cm, and if exceeded, there is a risk of obesity.


Besides referring to weight loss programs recommended by experts, you need to keep in mind the following to make the weight loss plan easy and convenient.

Avoid setting unrealistic goals when starting a weight loss plan

People are excited and motivated at this point, and they frequently set unrealistic goals. This will easily have the opposite effect of gaining weight, leading to a lack of motivation, depression and giving up.

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You can change that by setting smaller, more achievable goals. For example, you should not aim to lose 10kg in a week but should lose 0.5-1kg/week. It is these small steps that will fuel your long-term weight loss journey. Every time you reach your goal, you will be more confident and motivated to continue your weight loss journey.

Study each diet carefully

Most people choose this diet just because it works for a relative, friend, or celebrity you admire. However, each person will have different needs, lifestyles and food preferences, so the diet will also be different.

Therefore, it is necessary to carefully study each diet from which choose a healthy menu that suits your needs.

Some notes on nutrition when starting a weight loss plan:

  • Do not fast, skip meals, or go on a hunger strike. This not only increases your appetite, easy to gain weight but also loses muscle, causes a lack of vitality and poor health.
  • Limit eating fast foods and carbonated drinks because they contribute to rapid weight gain and increase the rate of fatty liver. You can replace them by increasing green vegetables (minimum 400g / day) to help you feel full longer.
  • Choose the right cooking oil for your weight loss regimen. Our bodies still need fats, especially strong cold oils, to function and increase metabolism. You can choose cooking oils such as peanut oil, olive oil, avocado oil,…
  • Do not add energy to each workout by eating more, especially enjoying more snacks and seeing it as a "reward" for training. This only makes you gain weight again, causing more fatigue.

Control your portion sizes accordingly

One of the things to keep in mind when starting a weight loss plan is proper portion control. For the diet to work at its best, you need to find out what your body has absorbed. From there, control the appropriate portion for you, and at the same time eliminate bad habits, avoid absorbing too many nutrients, leading to rapid weight gain.

Schedule time for healthy activities

One of the causes for the failure of the weight loss process is a lack of time. One study has shown that about 41% of it is due to an unreasonable diet, or up to 71% is due to a busy schedule that makes it impossible to exercise regularly. If you want to lose weight effectively, make time for healthy activities.

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You can take a piece of paper and draw out the timeframes that are occupied by necessities. Then replace unnecessary needs in the schedule with healthy weight loss activities. Highlight the most important goal, and schedule other things around that goal. This helps to increase the importance of this goal.

Consult your doctor about a weight loss plan

It's important to consult with your doctor about a weight loss plan and diet, especially if you have chronic medical conditions that require pre-existing medical help. Your doctor will evaluate and adjust your diet to suit you. Specifically:

For people with heart disease, it is necessary to eat a lot of fruit, limit smoking and foods with high cholesterol such as fried, fried,…

People with kidney failure, should eat bland foods and use olive oil for cooking. In addition, patients need to limit the intake of some fruits such as bananas, lemons, kiwis,... and some foods with high protein content such as cheeses, soybeans, potatoes,...

Combine movement and exercise

The weight loss process is made more effective when a nutritious diet is paired with regular exercise. Exercise not only burns more calories, and reduces cravings, but also makes the body healthier. You can practice every morning such as light jogging, walking or other exercises. In addition, swimming and practising yoga are also ways to help lose weight and improve joints, helping you to have a more balanced and harmonious body.

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However, exercise should not be abused to accelerate the weight loss process. In addition to weight loss, exercise also has many other effects: supporting blood circulation, enhancing respiration, and increasing resistance and flexibility for bones and joints. Excessive exercise will cause injuries such as leg pain, muscle swelling, and numbness all over the body. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain exercise at 30 minutes/session, 5 sessions/week.

Consider the habits and work of family and friends

The weight loss process will become more difficult if family and friends are not serious during the implementation. Before starting a weight loss plan, you need to explain your goals and diet to everyone and ask those around you to remind you and support you throughout the weight loss process. For example, you can ask your family to cook food according to your weight loss menu. You can also invite family or friends to exercise together to improve your health.

In addition to the notes mentioned above, you need to regularly consider why you want to lose weight to support the process. This is a huge factor in motivating and reminding yourself not to give up when faced with disappointment.

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