

Envie 1Day Color Contacts (Shamo Brown/-7.50) [1 Box 30 Pieces] No Prescription 14.0Mm Japan

来自 Envie
节省13 % 节省13 %
原价 $63.00
原价 $63.00 - 原价 $63.00
原价 $63.00
时价 $55.00
$55.00 - $55.00
时价 $55.00
Experience the difference with Envie 1Day Color Contacts! These contacts feature Shamo Brown color that will give you a subtle yet sophisticated look. They are designed to be comfortable and breathable and make wearing them a pleasure. With a -7.50 diopters and 14.0MM diameter, they are perfect for everyday use. They come in a pack of 1 box with 30 pieces, and don't require a prescription. Get ready to feel the difference of Envie 1Day Color Contacts today!