

Skin Care


  • 原價 $32.73
    原價 $32.73 - 原價 $32.73
    原價 $32.73
    時價 $26.07
    $26.07 - $26.07
    時價 $26.07

    ELIXIR SUPERIEUR 卸妝潔面霜 N 140g

    緊緊包裹在水滴中,霜狀的卸妝液質地豐盈,使污垢與背面質地和毛孔緊密接觸,水滴緊緊包裹。在放鬆皮膚表面(角質層)的僵硬的同時,它可以適當地保護水分。使用後,感覺滋潤柔滑。它是宜人的水色花香。你也可以洗掉那個抹布。 1. 取指尖約1分鐘,置於面部5個部位(臉頰、額頭、鼻子、下巴),用整個手指塗抹至...

    原價 $32.73
    原價 $32.73 - 原價 $32.73
    原價 $32.73
    時價 $26.07
    $26.07 - $26.07
    時價 $26.07
    節省$6.66 節省$0.00
  • 原價 $44.29 - 原價 $44.29
    原價 $44.29
    $44.29 - $44.29
    時價 $44.29

    RMK 潔面膏清爽 100g


    原價 $44.29 - 原價 $44.29
    原價 $44.29
    $44.29 - $44.29
    時價 $44.29
  • 原價 $10.98
    原價 $10.98 - 原價 $10.98
    原價 $10.98
    時價 $10.79
    $10.79 - $10.79
    時價 $10.79

    大容量 355 毫升筆芯滴滴碧柔泡沫霜化妝

    立即塗抹泡沫,換成奶油以吸吮!一圈又一圈的熟悉,牢牢地把一個基本的毛孔放進去。立刻用泡沫輕鬆地從外面均勻地塗抹開。紡紗適應面霜改變範吸附堵塞毛孔,妮琪纏繞。在沖洗掉皮膚上的化妝品時,簽署葡萄藤創新手指鬆脆。 ○ 無油 ○ 有香味 ○ 想深呼吸 水草花 ○ 洗完臉不去洗臉 ○ 裸露皮膚的情況下可...

    原價 $10.98
    原價 $10.98 - 原價 $10.98
    原價 $10.98
    時價 $10.79
    $10.79 - $10.79
    時價 $10.79
    節省$0.19 節省$0.00
  • 原價 $30.81 - 原價 $30.81
    原價 $30.81
    $30.81 - $30.81
    時價 $30.81

    東急Hands原創鎮靜劑(Carme)水狀卸妝油 140mL


    原價 $30.81 - 原價 $30.81
    原價 $30.81
    $30.81 - $30.81
    時價 $30.81
  • 原價 $16.93
    原價 $16.93 - 原價 $16.93
    原價 $16.93
    時價 $11.15
    $11.15 - $11.15
    時價 $11.15

    妮維雅卸妝油 B 補充裝 170 毫升

    它掉到了圓館!美容油清潔。硬下令毛孔污垢解開,每次洗滌時都給予水分。我和快速關閉到沒有摩擦在綁架和順利使用舒適。滋潤光滑肌膚·毛孔角化堵塞清除成分:棕櫚油脂肪酸PEG-7甘油,二辛基醚(洗) - 4種化妝品油:摩洛哥堅果油※,荷荷巴籽油,迷迭香葉提取物,角鯊烷(保濕) ※ 刺核油附近的藻類·請...

    原價 $16.93
    原價 $16.93 - 原價 $16.93
    原價 $16.93
    時價 $11.15
    $11.15 - $11.15
    時價 $11.15
    節省$5.78 節省$0.00
  • 原價 $37.65 - 原價 $37.65
    原價 $37.65
    $37.65 - $37.65
    時價 $37.65

    naaturaglace 點卸妝液


    原價 $37.65 - 原價 $37.65
    原價 $37.65
    $37.65 - $37.65
    時價 $37.65
  • 原價 $18.91 - 原價 $18.91
    原價 $18.91
    $18.91 - $18.91
    時價 $18.91


    含有去角質成分果酸,讓肌膚水潤光滑!蘋果酸和乳酸去除死皮細胞,包括黑色素和死皮細胞,使您的皮膚光滑水潤。含有保濕乳液成分。含有酵母提取物(釀酒酵母提取物)、水解透明質酸(C12-13)甘油和植物神經酰胺(鞘醣脂)。含有緊緻肌膚成分的arch choke Leaf提取物。

    原價 $18.91 - 原價 $18.91
    原價 $18.91
    $18.91 - $18.91
    時價 $18.91
  • 原價 $22.03 - 原價 $22.03
    原價 $22.03
    $22.03 - $22.03
    時價 $22.03

    Gabai 休閒馬油卸妝油 200ml

    - 質地粘稠而不絲滑 清潔馬油后防止乾燥 使用中濕手 OK • 在友好的力量你Otose 和做的化妝· W 清潔不必要(推薦) - 清潔後的干燥方向是一個問題· 如果你想縮短卸妝時間· 如果你想減少清潔過程中皮膚的負擔① 取適量延展全臉(約2推)。 ②讓軟化輕輕使。 ③水,請用溫水徹底沖洗。 ...

    原價 $22.03 - 原價 $22.03
    原價 $22.03
    $22.03 - $22.03
    時價 $22.03
  • 原價 $53.22
    原價 $53.22 - 原價 $53.22
    原價 $53.22
    時價 $43.50
    $43.50 - $43.50
    時價 $43.50

    SPTM Septum Eruteo 油清潔劑 [補充裝] 300mL 分裝器單獨出售

    輕柔減輕肌膚負擔,卸掉油性藥妝。滴落並迅速漂浮到污垢的構成或毛孔中。 Betatsukazu,在感情和綁架上,他被困在舒適的使用中。通過和看植物成分※的作用,洗滌後,導致皮膚濕潤柔軟。作為準藥物,已經觀察到有皮膚預防作用(抗炎作用),混合甘草次酸硬脂酸(活性成分)。清潔皮膚,防止皮膚長痘痘。 ...

    原價 $53.22
    原價 $53.22 - 原價 $53.22
    原價 $53.22
    時價 $43.50
    $43.50 - $43.50
    時價 $43.50
    節省$9.72 節省$0.00
  • 原價 $53.45 - 原價 $53.45
    原價 $53.45
    $53.45 - $53.45
    時價 $53.45


    卸妝油在柔和的光感中牢牢地滴在污垢上 資生堂採用了自己開發的“溫和快速卸妝技術”,是一種令人愉悅的光感卸妝油。快速滲透至毛孔深處,去除頑固污垢。濕手也可以使用,是洗掉的類型。接睫毛對應: 一般組 - 可以使用接睫毛使用(氰基丙烯酸酯)。礦物油、異硬脂酸酯 PEG-8 甘油、十六烷基乙基己酸酯、...

    原價 $53.45 - 原價 $53.45
    原價 $53.45
    $53.45 - $53.45
    時價 $53.45
  • 原價 $47.50 - 原價 $47.50
    原價 $47.50
    $47.50 - $47.50
    時價 $47.50

    KANEBO 嘉娜寶醇香濃郁卸妝油

    熟悉快速上妝,潔淨肌膚,令肌膚潔淨透亮。用濃郁的濃稠做出來的醇厚。熟悉快速上妝,油性水洗迅速。潔面後,清潔乾淨,讓肌膚煥發光彩。香茶Topia Fresh是茶Topia,主調是可愛的山茶花香氣,清新寫實的綠色花香。 ● 由於容器內有混濁的白色和水或溫水,請注意不要進入。 <請注意火災。 ...

    原價 $47.50 - 原價 $47.50
    原價 $47.50
    $47.50 - $47.50
    時價 $47.50
  • 原價 $70.55 - 原價 $70.55
    原價 $70.55
    $70.55 - $70.55
    時價 $70.55

    HACCI 孵化卸妝油面霜 130g

    1. 兩種面部表情誕生的幸福肌膚 將光滑、濃稠的乳霜延展至肌膚,輕輕打造蓬鬆感。五種可在人體皮膚中融化的植物黃油 * ¹ 是洗掉化妝品油替代品的標誌。還可以快速牢固地化妝。乳霜的化妝品成分,舒​​緩一天辛苦的肌膚,深層呵護洗出蓬鬆柔軟的肌膚。 2.解開軟化皮膚,清除皮膚蜂蠟*¹和猴麵包樹籽油*...

    原價 $70.55 - 原價 $70.55
    原價 $70.55
    $70.55 - $70.55
    時價 $70.55
  • 原價 $118.50
    原價 $118.50 - 原價 $118.50
    原價 $118.50
    時價 $105.23
    $105.23 - $105.23
    時價 $105.23

    Exia AL Joy Fleur 卸妝油 180ml


    原價 $118.50
    原價 $118.50 - 原價 $118.50
    原價 $118.50
    時價 $105.23
    $105.23 - $105.23
    時價 $105.23
    節省$13.27 節省$0.00
  • 原價 $22.65
    原價 $22.65 - 原價 $22.65
    原價 $22.65
    時價 $21.04
    $21.04 - $21.04
    時價 $21.04

    Runamea AC 卸妝油 120mL


    原價 $22.65
    原價 $22.65 - 原價 $22.65
    原價 $22.65
    時價 $21.04
    $21.04 - $21.04
    時價 $21.04
    節省$1.61 節省$0.00
  • 原價 $26.81
    原價 $26.81 - 原價 $26.81
    原價 $26.81
    時價 $17.90
    $17.90 - $17.90
    時價 $17.90

    Nature & CO 植物卸妝油 150mL

    混合精心挑選的四種植物油。美容油與橙油風味複合,滴下後浮起防水的妝容和皮脂污垢,給肌膚帶來柔軟觸感。 ● 4 種植物性※卸妝油,可用於濕手的油配方,包括具有清除皮脂效果的橙色油。同時快速滴下乾淨熟悉的防水的化妝品和皮脂污垢,從而使皮膚柔軟而不會感到緊繃。美在油接觸,高緩衝與適當的厚度質地豐富●...

    原價 $26.81
    原價 $26.81 - 原價 $26.81
    原價 $26.81
    時價 $17.90
    $17.90 - $17.90
    時價 $17.90
    節省$8.91 節省$0.00
  • 原價 $5.49
    原價 $5.49 - 原價 $5.49
    原價 $5.49
    時價 $3.49
    $3.49 - $3.49
    時價 $3.49

    碧柔卸妝油 - 迷你 (50ml)


    原價 $5.49
    原價 $5.49 - 原價 $5.49
    原價 $5.49
    時價 $3.49
    $3.49 - $3.49
    時價 $3.49
    節省$2.00 節省$0.00
  • 原價 $36.16 - 原價 $36.16
    原價 $36.16
    $36.16 - $36.16
    時價 $36.16

    水彩卸妝油 125ml

    牢固地卸妝,不摩擦毛孔污垢,洗掉 Tsurutsurusubesube 的皮膚。即使在手和臉濕潤的狀態下,設計清潔力也不會下降● 不含香料● 無著色●發酵美膚成分※(保濕)配方※豆漿發酵提取物、梨發酵提取物礦物油、異壬酸異壬酯、椰子油脂肪酸 PEG-7 甘油酯、聚甘油-2 異硬脂酸酯、三異硬脂...

    原價 $36.16 - 原價 $36.16
    原價 $36.16
    $36.16 - $36.16
    時價 $36.16
  • 原價 $30.59 - 原價 $30.59
    原價 $30.59
    $30.59 - $30.59
    時價 $30.59

    KOSE 北肌清肌卸妝油

    產品說明①同時溫和呵護因紫外線、頑固的彩妝費和氧化皮脂、老舊角質層細胞和毛孔中的污垢造成的傷害,如牢牢滴卸卸妝油。建立質地,它導致皮膚光滑和透明感。 (營養)成分礦物油異硬脂酸酯PEG-8甘油基乙基己烷酸十六烷基環甲矽油、水、米胚芽油、生育酚被孢黴油、油酸油基甘油、角鯊烷、氫化聚異丁烯-苯氧乙...

    原價 $30.59 - 原價 $30.59
    原價 $30.59
    $30.59 - $30.59
    時價 $30.59
  • 原價 $11.43 - 原價 $11.43
    原價 $11.43
    $15.32 - $15.32
    時價 $15.32

    順滑 Honpo Makeup Milk N 200ml

    混合 Moritaya 原始豆漿發酵液圖像 01 宮崎縣九州山,厚已由兩種類型的國產大豆在 shiiba 豆漿(※2)豆腐工廠製成。讓豆漿發酵原配方“豆漿發酵液※1”。豆漿發酵液,內含異黃酮,幫助您肌膚煥發活力。 ※ 1 豆漿發酵液(保濕成分) ※ 2 保濕成分 它混合了10 種植物提取物!為...

    原價 $11.43 - 原價 $11.43
    原價 $11.43
    $15.32 - $15.32
    時價 $15.32
  • 原價 $14.51 - 原價 $14.51
    原價 $14.51
    $14.51 - $14.51
    時價 $14.51

    Softymo 潔面液蜂蜜溫和交換

    乳脂狀和 Kokumaro 液體高附著力的精華 40% 複合,卸妝液滴和做的妝只是輕輕撫摸。你濕潤導致皮膚緊繃為零。 ◇ 交易筆芯。

    原價 $14.51 - 原價 $14.51
    原價 $14.51
    $14.51 - $14.51
    時價 $14.51
  • 原價 $45.94
    原價 $45.94 - 原價 $45.94
    原價 $45.94
    時價 $42.03
    $42.03 - $42.03
    時價 $42.03

    DEW 高級卸妝油 (150ml)

    油性卸妝液不殘留彩妝,是由光滑的液體油和粘稠的果凍油兩種油混合而成。項目描述 Jerry oil 液體油和自由流動的粘度兩種油配方,很難使均勻滴不留,油型卸妝液。內容量:150mL ● 使用前請取下泵部分的塞子。 ● 請多次按壓泵,直到內容物開始使用。 ● 用乾掌按壓2~3次(約2~3mL),...

    原價 $45.94
    原價 $45.94 - 原價 $45.94
    原價 $45.94
    時價 $42.03
    $42.03 - $42.03
    時價 $42.03
    節省$3.91 節省$0.00
  • 原價 $11.98 - 原價 $11.98
    原價 $11.98
    $11.98 - $11.98
    時價 $11.98

    高音溫和卸妝油 M

    化妝Ochi對皮膚的負擔是好的,是較不敏感的皮膚相應的clen物油。 W 清洗不必要。您也可以在睫毛延長中使用。適應妝後取適量,用清水或溫水沖洗乾淨● 皮膚有異常或不適合皮膚時請勿使用。 ●當眼睛,請立即用清水沖洗。 ● 使用和使用過程中和使用後出現異常和刺激時,請停止使用,並建議諮詢皮膚科醫生。

    原價 $11.98 - 原價 $11.98
    原價 $11.98
    $11.98 - $11.98
    時價 $11.98
  • 原價 $33.80
    原價 $33.80 - 原價 $33.80
    原價 $33.80
    時價 $19.80
    $19.80 - $19.80
    時價 $19.80

    ELIXIR SUPERIEUR 卸妝油 N 150ml

    滴附著使均勻溶解,油性卸妝油會滴出溶解使污垢與質地和毛孔的背面緊密接觸。在放鬆皮膚表面(角質層)的僵硬的同時,它可以牢固地保護水分。洗起來是,不覺得油,而且乾淨的感覺。它是宜人的水色花香。也可濕手使用,屬於洗臉型。 1. 掌心按壓3次,用整個手指塗抹全臉。 2. 從這樣的Hoyagaku的廣泛...

    原價 $33.80
    原價 $33.80 - 原價 $33.80
    原價 $33.80
    時價 $19.80
    $19.80 - $19.80
    時價 $19.80
    節省$14.00 節省$0.00
  • 原價 $39.15
    原價 $39.15 - 原價 $39.15
    原價 $39.15
    時價 $31.90
    $31.90 - $31.90
    時價 $31.90

    ELIXIR WHITE 清透油 145ml

    皮膚的清濁因子。藥用卸妝油增稠的油型,結合後吸附污垢,去除造成肌膚混濁的原因。去除含有氧化物等皮脂的污垢,清除去除處方*。如皮膚用甘草甜素鹽來防止它(防止皮膚有藥用成分)摻入紫外線。洗起來,沒有Nurutsuki,清爽的感覺。它是宜人的水色花香。也可濕手使用,屬於洗臉型。 * 浮起含有氧化物等...

    原價 $39.15
    原價 $39.15 - 原價 $39.15
    原價 $39.15
    時價 $31.90
    $31.90 - $31.90
    時價 $31.90
    節省$7.25 節省$0.00

The Power of Skincare

Your skin is the largest organ of your body, and it plays a crucial role in protecting you from the external environment. It is the first line of defense against harmful UV rays, pollutants, and other environmental stressors. Maintaining the health and vitality of your skin is essential for your overall well-being. Proper skincare not only enhances your appearance but also helps prevent premature aging, skin conditions, and various skin-related issues.

Investing in a comprehensive skincare routine can have a profound impact on the way your skin looks and feels. By incorporating the right products and techniques, you can achieve a radiant, youthful, and blemish-free complexion. In this article, we will explore the key factors affecting skin health and guide you through the basics of a skincare routine that incorporates the power of Japanese skincare products.

Factors Affecting Skin Health

Your skin is a dynamic and complex organ that is influenced by various internal and external factors. Understanding these factors is crucial in developing an effective skincare regimen tailored to your unique needs.

Environmental Factors

  • Sun Exposure: Excessive exposure to UV radiation can lead to premature aging, sun damage, and an increased risk of skin cancer.

  • Pollution: Airborne pollutants, such as particulate matter and chemicals, can clog pores, cause inflammation, and accelerate the aging process.

  • Climate: Extreme weather conditions, such as harsh winds, dry air, and extreme temperatures, can strip your skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness, irritation, and sensitivity.

Lifestyle Factors

  • Diet: A diet rich in antioxidants, healthy fats, and hydrating foods can nourish your skin and promote a healthy complexion.

  • Stress: Chronic stress can disrupt the skin's natural barrier function, leading to increased sensitivity, breakouts, and accelerated aging.

  • Sleep: Adequate and quality sleep is essential for skin repair and rejuvenation, as your skin undergoes important cellular renewal processes during sleep.

Biological Factors

  • Age: As you age, your skin's natural collagen and elastin production decreases, leading to fine lines, wrinkles, and loss of firmness.

  • Hormones: Hormonal fluctuations, such as those experienced during puberty, pregnancy, or menopause, can impact the skin's oil production and trigger various skin conditions.

  • Genetics: Your genetic makeup can predispose you to certain skin types, sensitivities, and susceptibility to skin conditions.

Understanding these factors is crucial in developing an effective skincare routine that addresses your unique skin concerns and helps you achieve a radiant, healthy complexion.

Basics of a Skincare Routine with Japanese Products Recommendations

Creating a comprehensive skincare routine is the key to maintaining healthy, glowing skin. Japanese skincare products are renowned for their innovative formulations, high-quality ingredients, and exceptional efficacy. Let's explore the essential steps of a skincare routine and explore some Japanese product recommendations.


Cleansing is the foundation of any skincare routine. It removes impurities, excess oil, and makeup, preparing your skin for the subsequent steps. For a gentle yet effective cleanse, consider the Hada Labo Gokujyun Hyaluronic Cleansing Foam. This Japanese cleanser contains hyaluronic acid and amino acids to hydrate and nourish your skin.

Hada Labo Gokujyun Hyaluron Cleansing Foam


Toning helps balance the skin's pH, refine pores, and prepare your skin for better absorption of the following products. The Kikumasamune High Moisture Toner is a popular Japanese toner that contains sake and ceramides to hydrate and soothe the skin.


An essence is a lightweight, water-based treatment that provides deep hydration and preps the skin for better absorption of serums and moisturizers. The Kose Sekkisei Lotion is a renowned Japanese essence that contains botanical extracts to brighten and revitalize the skin.


Serums are concentrated, targeted treatments that address specific skin concerns. For anti-aging and skin brightening, the Shiseido Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate is an excellent Japanese serum that contains reishi mushroom and iris root extract to boost skin's resilience.


Moisturizing is crucial for maintaining the skin's barrier function and preventing dryness. The Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream is a gentle, non-comedogenic Japanese moisturizer that hydrates and nourishes the skin without clogging pores.

Eye Cream

The delicate eye area requires special attention. The Shiseido Benefiance WrinkleResist24 Intensive Eye Contour Cream is a Japanese eye cream that targets fine lines, wrinkles, and puffiness around the eyes.


Protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is essential for preventing sun damage, premature aging, and skin cancer. The Biore UV Aqua Rich Watery Essence Sunscreen is a lightweight, fast-absorbing Japanese sunscreen that provides broad-spectrum protection without leaving a greasy residue.

Incorporating these Japanese skincare products into a consistent routine can help you achieve a radiant, youthful, and healthy complexion.


Maintaining healthy, glowing skin is not just about vanity; it's a reflection of your overall well-being. By understanding the factors that affect your skin health and implementing a comprehensive skincare routine with high-quality Japanese products, you can unlock the key to radiant skin.

Remember, your skin is a living, dynamic organ that requires personalized care. Experiment with different products and techniques to find what works best for your unique skin type and concerns. Consistency is the foundation of any successful skincare regimen, so be patient and persistent in your journey towards achieving the skin of your dreams.

Ready to take your skincare routine to the next level? Explore our curated selection of Japanese skincare products and discover the transformative power of radiant, healthy skin. Start your journey towards a more confident, youthful-looking you today!