



  • 原價 $10.54
    原價 $10.54 - 原價 $10.54
    原價 $10.54
    時價 $9.32
    $9.32 - $9.32
    時價 $9.32

    TO-PLAN 蘆薈乳液 500ml


    原價 $10.54
    原價 $10.54 - 原價 $10.54
    原價 $10.54
    時價 $9.32
    $9.32 - $9.32
    時價 $9.32
    節省$1.22 節省$0.00
  • 原價 $10.11 - 原價 $10.11
    原價 $10.11
    $10.11 - $10.11
    時價 $10.11

    光滑本舖保濕乳液 [補充裝]


    原價 $10.11 - 原價 $10.11
    原價 $10.11
    $10.11 - $10.11
    時價 $10.11
  • 原價 $57.74
    原價 $57.74 - 原價 $57.74
    原價 $57.74
    時價 $32.75
    $32.75 - $32.75
    時價 $32.75

    POLA D 藥用調理乳液 150ml


    原價 $57.74
    原價 $57.74 - 原價 $57.74
    原價 $57.74
    時價 $32.75
    $32.75 - $32.75
    時價 $32.75
    節省$24.99 節省$0.00
  • 原價 $17.26
    原價 $17.26 - 原價 $17.26
    原價 $17.26
    時價 $14.46
    $14.46 - $14.46
    時價 $14.46



    原價 $17.26
    原價 $17.26 - 原價 $17.26
    原價 $17.26
    時價 $14.46
    $14.46 - $14.46
    時價 $14.46
    節省$2.80 節省$0.00
  • 原價 $9.12 - 原價 $9.12
    原價 $9.12
    $14.40 - $14.40
    時價 $14.40

    小林製藥 Keshimin 清涼液(160ML)

    分解色斑根源* 滲透維生素C* 新配方Virginia White+*1 預防色斑和雀斑* 藥用光滑肌膚、維生素C*(淡斑控制*成分)、Virginia White+*1(保濕成分)、透明質酸(保濕成分)不含香料、不含色素 滋潤並防止出現瑕疵*。含有維他命 C 衍生物*,分解色斑根源 - 含有...

    原價 $9.12 - 原價 $9.12
    原價 $9.12
    $14.40 - $14.40
    時價 $14.40
  • 原價 $28.27
    原價 $28.27 - 原價 $28.27
    原價 $28.27
    時價 $15.87
    $15.87 - $15.87
    時價 $15.87

    Minon 氨基濕潤藥用 Akunekea 乳液 150 毫升


    原價 $28.27
    原價 $28.27 - 原價 $28.27
    原價 $28.27
    時價 $15.87
    $15.87 - $15.87
    時價 $15.87
    節省$12.40 節省$0.00
  • 原價 $104.57
    原價 $104.57 - 原價 $104.57
    原價 $104.57
    時價 $95.24
    $95.24 - $95.24
    時價 $95.24

    MIKIMOTO COSMETICS Moon Pearl Moisture Rich Lot...


    原價 $104.57
    原價 $104.57 - 原價 $104.57
    原價 $104.57
    時價 $95.24
    $95.24 - $95.24
    時價 $95.24
    節省$9.33 節省$0.00
  • 原價 $10.11 - 原價 $10.11
    原價 $10.11
    $10.32 - $10.32
    時價 $10.32

    小林製藥 Keshimin 液體補充裝 (140ML)

    維他命C衍生物等活性成分深入角質化皮膚層,抑制黑色素生成,預防色斑 - 透明質酸等保濕成分滋潤肌膚,令肌膚水潤柔滑 - 方便補充

    原價 $10.11 - 原價 $10.11
    原價 $10.11
    $10.32 - $10.32
    時價 $10.32
  • 原價 $7.69 - 原價 $7.69
    原價 $7.69
    $29.83 - $29.83
    時價 $29.83

    HadaLabo Gokujyun 白色完美面膜

    這是一款可以在一張紙上扮演5個角色的多合一面膜(乳液+精華+乳液+面霜+面膜)。含有大量精華的白色面膜,將水分深入角質層,打造透明透明的肌膚。這款面膜有 3 層厚片,可以保持充足的水分。即使從臉上取下床單,仍有大量液體殘留,因此可以將床單折疊起來以清潔頸部、肩部、手部、肘部和膝蓋。

    原價 $7.69 - 原價 $7.69
    原價 $7.69
    $29.83 - $29.83
    時價 $29.83
  • 原價 $35.94
    原價 $35.94 - 原價 $35.94
    原價 $35.94
    時價 $22.49
    $22.49 - $22.49
    時價 $22.49

    freeplus Moist Care Lotion 1 (清爽型) 130ml


    原價 $35.94
    原價 $35.94 - 原價 $35.94
    原價 $35.94
    時價 $22.49
    $22.49 - $22.49
    時價 $22.49
    節省$13.45 節省$0.00
  • 原價 $14.81
    原價 $14.81 - 原價 $14.81
    原價 $14.81
    時價 $9.21
    $9.21 - $9.21
    時價 $9.21

    Nameraka Honpo Skin Lotion (200ml)

    無粘性殘留,快速滲透* 豐盈柔滑的肌膚* 撫平角質層 濃縮大豆異黃酮豆類 無香精、無色素、無礦物油

    原價 $14.81
    原價 $14.81 - 原價 $14.81
    原價 $14.81
    時價 $9.21
    $9.21 - $9.21
    時價 $9.21
    節省$5.60 節省$0.00
  • 原價 $22.46
    原價 $22.46 - 原價 $22.46
    原價 $22.46
    時價 $21.13
    $21.13 - $21.13
    時價 $21.13

    HadaLabo Shirojyun Premium 藥用深層美白果凍面膜(3 張)

    像吸收一樣緊貼肌膚的片狀面膜,是含有濃縮水分和美白精華的凝膠狀美白精華,是藥用抗美白片狀面膜。面膜具有高粘性,高保濕性,使用起來很奢華。它深入皮膚,抑制黑色素的產生,並防止斑點和雀斑。接近黑斑的根本原因* 特別護理美白活性成分: 白色傳明酸(傳明酸) 維生素 C 衍生物(保濕成分) 維生素 E...

    原價 $22.46
    原價 $22.46 - 原價 $22.46
    原價 $22.46
    時價 $21.13
    $21.13 - $21.13
    時價 $21.13
    節省$1.33 節省$0.00
  • 原價 $19.35 - 原價 $19.35
    原價 $19.35
    $23.56 - $23.56
    時價 $23.56

    HadaLabo Gokujyun 美白完美面膜(20 片)

    這款面膜含有維生素 C 衍生物、維生素 E 和兩種透明質酸。含有維生素C衍生物(保濕成分)、維生素E(保濕成分)和兩種透明質酸(保濕成分)。白色面膜含有豐富的精華素,可將水分深入角質化的皮膚層,打造透明、透亮的肌膚!洗完臉後,只需一張面膜即可完成您的護膚程序。當您想要比平時更多的水分時,可以使...

    原價 $19.35 - 原價 $19.35
    原價 $19.35
    $23.56 - $23.56
    時價 $23.56
  • 原價 $13.85
    原價 $13.85 - 原價 $13.85
    原價 $13.85
    時價 $8.98
    $8.98 - $8.98
    時價 $8.98


    1. Anti-blemish Lotion 1. Anti-blemish Care 維生素C衍生物(抗痘成分)深入角質化的皮膚層,抑制黑色素的產生,黑色素是產生斑點的原因。 2. Moisturizing Care 透明質酸(保濕)讓肌膚清爽滋潤。 3. 真的很明顯!抑制黑色素生成,防止雀...

    原價 $13.85
    原價 $13.85 - 原價 $13.85
    原價 $13.85
    時價 $8.98
    $8.98 - $8.98
    時價 $8.98
    節省$4.87 節省$0.00
  • 原價 $16.08 - 原價 $16.08
    原價 $16.08
    $17.00 - $17.00
    時價 $17.00

    鑄面藥用潤膚露 180mL


    原價 $16.08 - 原價 $16.08
    原價 $16.08
    $17.00 - $17.00
    時價 $17.00
  • 原價 $23.32
    原價 $23.32 - 原價 $23.32
    原價 $23.32
    時價 $16.34
    $16.34 - $16.34
    時價 $16.34

    Ishizawa Lab 痤瘡屏障藥用保護乳液 140 毫升

    這款乳液可防止毛孔堵塞、粉刺和炎症,同時為皮膚補水。細節:品牌: 石澤實驗室重量:277.0 克日本製造

    原價 $23.32
    原價 $23.32 - 原價 $23.32
    原價 $23.32
    時價 $16.34
    $16.34 - $16.34
    時價 $16.34
    節省$6.98 節省$0.00
  • 原價 $32.09 - 原價 $32.09
    原價 $32.09
    $32.09 - $32.09
    時價 $32.09



    原價 $32.09 - 原價 $32.09
    原價 $32.09
    $32.09 - $32.09
    時價 $32.09
  • 原價 $71.39 - 原價 $71.39
    原價 $71.39
    $78.01 - $78.01
    時價 $78.01

    Cosme Decorte 黛珂 升維 補充丹麥農場乳液 ER 200mL


    原價 $71.39 - 原價 $71.39
    原價 $71.39
    $78.01 - $78.01
    時價 $78.01
  • 原價 $72.23
    原價 $72.23 - 原價 $72.23
    原價 $72.23
    時價 $63.13
    $63.13 - $63.13
    時價 $63.13

    Cosme Decorte 黛珂升維 丹麥農場補水乳液 200mL


    原價 $72.23
    原價 $72.23 - 原價 $72.23
    原價 $72.23
    時價 $63.13
    $63.13 - $63.13
    時價 $63.13
    節省$9.10 節省$0.00
  • 原價 $31.88
    原價 $31.88 - 原價 $31.88
    原價 $31.88
    時價 $28.06
    $28.06 - $28.06
    時價 $28.06

    Honey by belulu 透明乳液 150ml


    原價 $31.88
    原價 $31.88 - 原價 $31.88
    原價 $31.88
    時價 $28.06
    $28.06 - $28.06
    時價 $28.06
    節省$3.82 節省$0.00
  • 原價 $31.66
    原價 $31.66 - 原價 $31.66
    原價 $31.66
    時價 $9.37
    $9.37 - $9.37
    時價 $9.37

    Merano CC 藥用污漬措施美白乳液保濕型筆芯 170 毫升


    原價 $31.66
    原價 $31.66 - 原價 $31.66
    原價 $31.66
    時價 $9.37
    $9.37 - $9.37
    時價 $9.37
    節省$22.29 節省$0.00
  • 原價 $9.70
    原價 $9.70 - 原價 $9.70
    原價 $9.70
    時價 $8.36
    $8.36 - $8.36
    時價 $8.36

    柔滑 Honpo 抗皺乳液 200 毫升


    原價 $9.70
    原價 $9.70 - 原價 $9.70
    原價 $9.70
    時價 $8.36
    $8.36 - $8.36
    時價 $8.36
    節省$1.34 節省$0.00
  • 原價 $10.11
    原價 $10.11 - 原價 $10.11
    原價 $10.11
    時價 $8.61
    $8.61 - $8.61
    時價 $8.61

    Clearasil 藥用粉狀乳液 10x 120ml


    原價 $10.11
    原價 $10.11 - 原價 $10.11
    原價 $10.11
    時價 $8.61
    $8.61 - $8.61
    時價 $8.61
    節省$1.50 節省$0.00
  • 原價 $12.01 - 原價 $12.01
    原價 $12.01
    $16.56 - $16.56
    時價 $16.56

    BCL Mompuri 保濕乳液 180ml 補充裝 - 日本護膚品


    原價 $12.01 - 原價 $12.01
    原價 $12.01
    $16.56 - $16.56
    時價 $16.56

Maintaining healthy, glowing skin is a top priority for many individuals, and a crucial step in achieving this goal is proper moisturization. Regardless of your skin type, whether it's dry, oily, or combination, moisturizing is an essential part of any effective skincare routine. Moisturizers help to lock in the skin's natural moisture, prevent water loss, and keep your complexion looking plump, smooth, and radiant.



However, not all moisturizers are created equal. In recent years, Japanese moisturizer products have gained significant popularity worldwide, thanks to their unique formulations and impressive results. These innovative skincare solutions have become a game-changer in the pursuit of healthy, hydrated skin.

Why Japanese Moisturizer Products are Popular

Japanese skincare has long been revered for its meticulous attention to detail, use of high-quality ingredients, and innovative formulations. When it comes to moisturizers, Japanese brands have truly set the bar high. These products are renowned for their ability to deeply nourish and hydrate the skin, while also addressing a variety of other skin concerns, such as anti-aging, brightening, and soothing.

One of the key reasons why Japanese moisturizer products have gained such widespread popularity is their unique blend of traditional and modern skincare techniques. These products often incorporate time-honored Japanese ingredients, such as rice, green tea, and sake, which are known for their skin-enhancing properties. At the same time, Japanese brands have embraced the latest advancements in skincare technology, ensuring that their moisturizers deliver exceptional results.

Benefits of Using Japanese Moisturizer Products

Incorporating Japanese moisturizer products into your daily skincare routine can provide you with a multitude of benefits, including:

  • Intense Hydration: Japanese moisturizers are formulated to deeply nourish and replenish the skin, leaving it soft, supple, and radiant.
  • Improved Skin Barrier Function: Many Japanese moisturizers contain ingredients that help strengthen the skin's natural barrier, which can help protect against environmental aggressors and prevent water loss.
  • Anti-Aging Properties: Several Japanese moisturizer brands incorporate anti-aging ingredients, such as retinol, collagen, and hyaluronic acid, to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Brightening and Evenness: Some Japanese moisturizers are designed to improve skin tone and texture, helping to fade dark spots and even out discoloration.
  • Soothing and Calming: Japanese moisturizers often contain soothing ingredients, like aloe vera and chamomile, which can help calm redness, irritation, and sensitivity.
  • Lightweight and Absorbent: Many Japanese moisturizers have a lightweight, non-greasy formula that absorbs quickly into the skin, without leaving a heavy or sticky residue.

Popular Japanese Moisturizer Brands to Try

When it comes to Japanese moisturizer products, there are several renowned brands that have gained a loyal following worldwide. Here are some of the most popular options to consider:
  • Hada Labo: Known for its innovative use of hyaluronic acid, Hada Labo offers a range of moisturizers that provide intense hydration and plump the skin.

HadaLabo Gokujyun Perfect Gel

  • Shiseido: A iconic Japanese skincare brand, Shiseido's moisturizers are formulated with high-quality ingredients and advanced technology to address a variety of skin concerns.

Shiseido Aqualabel 90g Gel Cream

  • SK-II: Renowned for its Pitera-infused products, SK-II's moisturizers are designed to improve skin texture and radiance, while also providing long-lasting hydration.

SK-II Japan Facial Treatment Essence

  • Kose: This Japanese brand offers a diverse range of moisturizers, catering to different skin types and concerns, with a focus on using natural, high-quality ingredients.

Kose Grace One Perfect Facial Gel Cream

Conclusion: Achieving Healthy and Hydrated Skin with Japanese Moisturizer Products

In the pursuit of healthy, glowing skin, Japanese moisturizer products have emerged as a game-changer. With their unique blend of traditional Japanese ingredients and cutting-edge skincare technology, these moisturizers offer a comprehensive solution to address a variety of skin concerns, from hydration and anti-aging to brightening and soothing.

By incorporating Japanese moisturizer products into your daily skincare routine, you can unlock the secrets to achieving the healthy, radiant complexion you've always desired. Explore the wide range of options available and find the perfect moisturizer to transform your skin. Start your journey to healthier, more hydrated skin today!