Face Moisturizer
- Aqua (2)
- Aqualabel (1)
- Astalift (3)
- Bcl (1)
- Bijin Nuka (1)
- Chifure (2)
- Cosmos (1)
- Curel (2)
- Curél (1)
- Dhc (2)
- Dr.Ci:Labo (2)
- Elixir (2)
- ettusais (1)
- Ishizawa Lab (1)
- Japan With Love (1)
- Kanebo (1)
- Kokuryudo (1)
- Kose (4)
- Kracie Hadabisei (1)
- Lululun (1)
- Matsuyama (1)
- Mediplus (2)
- Meishouku (2)
- Minon (1)
- Nihosakari (1)
- Obagi Japan (1)
- Perfect One (2)
- Sana (1)
- Shin Nihon Seiyaku (1)
- SK-II (1)
- Sk-Ii (1)
- Sukoyaka Suhada (1)
- Tunemakers (1)
元の価格 €38,95 - 元の価格 €38,95元の価格€38,95€38,95 - €38,95現在の価格 €38,95| /
Dr CiLabo VC100 Vitamin C All-In-One Gel 80g fo...
Dr. Ci:Labo Vc100 All-In-One Gel 80G Details: Brand: Dr.Ci:Labo Made in Japan * This product information is updating, please contact us if yo...
詳細を全部見る元の価格 €38,95 - 元の価格 €38,95元の価格€38,95€38,95 - €38,95現在の価格 €38,95| / -
元の価格 €15,95 - 元の価格 €15,95元の価格€15,95€15,95 - €15,95現在の価格 €15,95| /
Matsuyama Hadauru Hydrating Face Cream 50g
Matsuyama Hadauru Moisturizing Cream 50G Product Description: Matsuyama Hadauru Moisturizing Cream moisturizes dry and sensitive skin by storing w...
詳細を全部見る元の価格 €15,95 - 元の価格 €15,95元の価格€15,95€15,95 - €15,95現在の価格 €15,95| / -
元の価格 €32,95 - 元の価格 €32,95元の価格€32,95€32,95 - €32,95現在の価格 €32,95| /
Dr Ci Labo Super Moist Aqua Collagen Gel 50g fo...
Dr.Ci:Labo Aqua Collagen Gel Super Moisture Ex 50G Product Description: With 7 types of collagen* and powered-up, an all-in-one gel that has mast...
詳細を全部見る元の価格 €32,95 - 元の価格 €32,95元の価格€32,95€32,95 - €32,95現在の価格 €32,95| / -
元の価格 €31,95 - 元の価格 €31,95元の価格€31,95€31,95 - €31,95現在の価格 €31,95| /
DHC Astaxanthin Collagen Gel 120g - All-in-One ...
Dhc Astaxanthin Collagen All-In-One Gel 120G Details: Brand: Dhc Made in Japan * This product information is updating, please contact us if y...
詳細を全部見る元の価格 €31,95 - 元の価格 €31,95元の価格€31,95€31,95 - €31,95現在の価格 €31,95| / -
元の価格 €64,95 - 元の価格 €64,95元の価格€64,95€64,95 - €64,95現在の価格 €64,95| /
No reviewsダマスカスローズ、セラミド、コラーゲン、ヒアルロン酸、アミノ酸などの高級成分が肌細胞の再生を促進し、しわの発生を抑えます。ヒロソフィーCBエッセンスは、肌の老化による乾燥や水分不足が気になる方のための万能美容エッセンスです。詳細:ブランド:Hirosophy重量:164.0 g日本製
元の価格 €64,95 - 元の価格 €64,95元の価格€64,95€64,95 - €64,95現在の価格 €64,95| /完売 -
元の価格 €7,95 - 元の価格 €7,95元の価格€7,95€7,95 - €7,95現在の価格 €7,95| /
No reviews資生堂エリクサーホワイトデイケアレボリューションSpf3035ml詳細:ブランド:エリクサー重量:64.0 g日本製
元の価格 €7,95 - 元の価格 €7,95元の価格€7,95€7,95 - €7,95現在の価格 €7,95| /完売 -
元の価格 €20,95 - 元の価格 €20,95元の価格€20,95€20,95 - €20,95現在の価格 €20,95| /
No reviews資生堂アクアラベルスペシャルジェルクリームモイストサクラは、コラーゲンGLとベビーアミノ酸を高濃度に配合したオールインワンの保湿ジェルクリームで、お肌に栄養と潤いを与えます。 5 in1スキンケア製品;ローションまたはトナー、ミルキーローション、クリーム、マスク、美容エッセンス。この日本の保湿...
詳細を全部見る元の価格 €20,95 - 元の価格 €20,95元の価格€20,95€20,95 - €20,95現在の価格 €20,95| / -
元の価格 €25,95 - 元の価格 €25,95元の価格€25,95€25,95 - €25,95現在の価格 €25,95| /
No reviewsH2-スキンスポットクリームは、肝斑、そばかすを非常に効果的に治療する能力により、今日日本で最も人気のあるクリームです。使用法この製品は、色素沈着色素を水に変え、汗を通して体外に排泄することにより、色素沈着を治療するために使用されます。同時に、ビタミンEとコエンザイムQ10の肌を内側から明るく...
詳細を全部見る元の価格 €25,95 - 元の価格 €25,95元の価格€25,95€25,95 - €25,95現在の価格 €25,95| / -
元の価格 €28,95 - 元の価格 €28,95元の価格€28,95€28,95 - €28,95現在の価格 €28,95| /
Kokuryudo Privacy UV Face Mist SPF 50+ Broad Sp...
Kokuryudo Privacy Uv Face Mist Spf50+ Pa++++ 40Ml Product Description: Kokuryudo Privacy Uv Face Mist with Spf50+ Pa++++, protects skin against bo...
詳細を全部見る元の価格 €28,95 - 元の価格 €28,95元の価格€28,95€28,95 - €28,95現在の価格 €28,95| / -
元の価格 €30,95 - 元の価格 €30,95元の価格€30,95€30,95 - €30,95現在の価格 €30,95| /
No reviewsチュラコスワラビハダオールインワンジェルモイスチャライジングは、ローション、美容液、クリーム、メイクアップベースの代わりに使用できるオールインワンジェルです。毎日洗顔してからご使用ください。顔だけでなく首にもお使いいただけます。使用後は、なめらかで赤ちゃんのような肌になります。詳細:ブランド:...
詳細を全部見る元の価格 €30,95 - 元の価格 €30,95元の価格€30,95€30,95 - €30,95現在の価格 €30,95| / -
元の価格 €18,95 - 元の価格 €18,95元の価格€18,95€18,95 - €18,95現在の価格 €18,95| /
No reviewsパーフェクトワンスーパーモイスチャージェルは、集中的な保湿とアンチエイジングトリートメントを提供し、肌を引き締め、ふっくらとさせ、老化や乾燥によるしわを目立たなくします。加齢とともに、肌は水分を保持し、肌のコラーゲン量が減少し、ハリと弾力性の低い肌になります。 6つの機能を処理します。ローショ...
詳細を全部見る元の価格 €18,95 - 元の価格 €18,95元の価格€18,95€18,95 - €18,95現在の価格 €18,95| /完売 -
元の価格 €73,95 - 元の価格 €73,95元の価格€73,95€73,95 - €73,95現在の価格 €73,95| /
Astalift Jerry Aquasta Pre-Serum Refill 60g wit...
1 reviewAstalift Jerry Aquasta Refill 60G Pre-Serum Ceramic Details: Brand: Astalift Made in Japan * This product information is updating, please con...
詳細を全部見る元の価格 €73,95 - 元の価格 €73,95元の価格€73,95€73,95 - €73,95現在の価格 €73,95| / -
元の価格 €6,95 - 元の価格 €6,95元の価格€6,95€6,95 - €6,95現在の価格 €6,95| /
Bijin Nuka Rice Moisturizing Cream 43g for Deep...
Bijin Nuka Pure Rice High Moisturizing Cream 43G Details: Brand: Bijin Nuka Made in Japan * This product information is updating, please cont...
詳細を全部見る元の価格 €6,95 - 元の価格 €6,95元の価格€6,95€6,95 - €6,95現在の価格 €6,95| / -
元の価格 €14,95 - 元の価格 €14,95元の価格€14,95€14,95 - €14,95現在の価格 €14,95| /
No reviews資生堂アクアラベルホワイトアップクリームは、お肌に潤いを与え、そばかすやまだら肌を防ぎ、明るく半透明の肌へと導きます。詳細:ブランド:Aqualabel重量:97.0 g日本製
元の価格 €14,95 - 元の価格 €14,95元の価格€14,95€14,95 - €14,95現在の価格 €14,95| / -
元の価格 €47,95 - 元の価格 €47,95元の価格€47,95€47,95 - €47,95現在の価格 €47,95| /
Coenzyme Q10 Quick Gel Brightening Moisture 100...
1 reviewDhc Coenzyme Q10 Quick Gel Brightening Moisture 100G All-In-One Cosmetics Details: Brand: Dhc Made in Japan * This product information is upd...
詳細を全部見る元の価格 €47,95 - 元の価格 €47,95元の価格€47,95€47,95 - €47,95現在の価格 €47,95| / -
元の価格 €40,95 - 元の価格 €40,95元の価格€40,95€40,95 - €40,95現在の価格 €40,95| /
Juju Aquamoist Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing Gel...
Juju Aquamoist Fermented Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing Gel 90G Product Description: Juju Aquamoist Fermented Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing Gel is a...
詳細を全部見る元の価格 €40,95 - 元の価格 €40,95元の価格€40,95€40,95 - €40,95現在の価格 €40,95| / -
元の価格 €7,95 - 元の価格 €7,95元の価格€7,95€7,95 - €7,95現在の価格 €7,95| /
Kracie Hadabisei Moisture Lift Wrinkle Pack Fac...
Kracie Hadabisei Moisture Lift Wrinkle Pack Facial Cream 30G Details: Brand: Kracie Hadabisei Made in Japan * This product information is upd...
詳細を全部見る元の価格 €7,95 - 元の価格 €7,95元の価格€7,95€7,95 - €7,95現在の価格 €7,95| / -
元の価格 €81,95 - 元の価格 €81,95元の価格€81,95€81,95 - €81,95現在の価格 €81,95| /
Mediplus Gel Dx High Concentrated All-In-One Mo...
Mediplus Gel Dx High Concentrated All-In-One Gel 160G Details: Brand: Mediplus Made in Japan * This product information is updating, please c...
詳細を全部見る元の価格 €81,95 - 元の価格 €81,95元の価格€81,95€81,95 - €81,95現在の価格 €81,95| / -
元の価格 €35,95 - 元の価格 €35,95元の価格€35,95€35,95 - €35,95現在の価格 €35,95| /
Astalift Renewal Anti-Aging Moisturizing Face C...
Astalift Renewal Anti-Aging Face Cream 30G Moisturizing Cream Details: Brand: Astalift Made in Japan * This product information is updating, ...
詳細を全部見る元の価格 €35,95 - 元の価格 €35,95元の価格€35,95€35,95 - €35,95現在の価格 €35,95| / -
元の価格 €175,95 - 元の価格 €175,95元の価格€175,95€175,95 - €175,95現在の価格 €175,95| /
SK-II Lightweight Skin Power Lotion 50g for Rad...
Sk-Ii Skin Power Airy Milky Lotion 50G Details: Brand: Sk-Ii Made in Japan * This product information is updating, please contact us if you w...
詳細を全部見る元の価格 €175,95 - 元の価格 €175,95元の価格€175,95€175,95 - €175,95現在の価格 €175,95| / -
元の価格 €53,95 - 元の価格 €53,95元の価格€53,95€53,95 - €53,95現在の価格 €53,95| /
Kanebo Fresh Day Cream SPF15 40ml - Daily Moist...
Kanebo Fresh Day Cream Spf15 40Ml Details: Brand: Kanebo Made in Japan * This product information is updating, please contact us if you want ...
詳細を全部見る元の価格 €53,95 - 元の価格 €53,95元の価格€53,95€53,95 - €53,95現在の価格 €53,95| / -
元の価格 €23,95 - 元の価格 €23,95元の価格€23,95€23,95 - €23,95現在の価格 €23,95| /
Hydrating Bcl Momo Gel Cream 80g for Soft and S...
Bcl Momo Moisturizing Gel Cream 80G Details: Brand: Bcl Made in Japan * This product information is updating, please contact us if you want t...
詳細を全部見る元の価格 €23,95 - 元の価格 €23,95元の価格€23,95€23,95 - €23,95現在の価格 €23,95| / -
元の価格 €6,95 - 元の価格 €6,95元の価格€6,95€6,95 - €6,95現在の価格 €6,95| /
Chifure Hydrating Face Cream 56g - Deep Moistur...
Chifure Moisture Face Cream 56G Details: Brand: Chifure Made in Japan * This product information is updating, please contact us if you want t...
詳細を全部見る元の価格 €6,95 - 元の価格 €6,95元の価格€6,95€6,95 - €6,95現在の価格 €6,95| / -
元の価格 €12,95 - 元の価格 €12,95元の価格€12,95€12,95 - €12,95現在の価格 €12,95| /
No reviewsコーセーモイスチュアマイルドホワイトクリーム55g詳細:ブランド:コセ重量:164.0 g日本製
元の価格 €12,95 - 元の価格 €12,95元の価格€12,95€12,95 - €12,95現在の価格 €12,95| /
Reasons to Spend Money on a Japanese Facial Moisturizer
The market offers numerous kinds of cleansers and hence different cleansing options are available. The overwhelming options include several gel-based, foam-based, oil-based, and clay-based cleaners. However, one popular kind of cleanser is a cream-based cleanser. A cream-based cleanser washes as well as moisturizes your skin. It will help you in getting rid of any dirt, sweat, makeup, or bacteria. At the same time, its cream-based texture can gently cleanse your skin. A cream cleanser is usually thick, and creamy, and contains essential moisturizing elements like botanical oils. This facilitates cleansing without roughly stripping your skin of any of its natural oils. If you have dry or sensitive skin cream cleansers are all you need.
The Advantages of a Japanese Cream for Skin
Japanese creams are a type of skin care product that is designed to hydrate the skin and are made with natural ingredients such as rice, soybeans, and green tea extract as well as unique plant extracts native to Japan. These ingredients have been shown to have many benefits for the skin including reducing wrinkles and improving elasticity.
How to Choose a Japanese Moisturiser
Study the Hydrating Ingredients: When choosing a Japanese moisturizer, you should study its hydrating ingredients. Japanese moisturizers focus largely on providing extreme hydration for the function of your skin. For this reason, you will be able to spot hydrating ingredients easily when reading the ingredient list. It might be difficult at first but reading the ingredient list gives you a good indication of the moisturizing power it holds. The following ingredients are considered extremely effective in Japan.
BG: Also known as Butylene Glycol or 1,3-Butanediol. Slightly thick and sticky in texture. Can also be used as a preservative. So popular as a moisturizing ingredient that we’ve experienced supply shortages. This ingredient is a good indication of its hydrating power.
DPG: Also known as Dipropylene Glycol. It has similar properties to BG. A humectant is often used as a substitute.
Glycerin: Quite thick and sticky in texture. Extremely moisturizing and feels wet upon application.
Look at the Ingredient Combination: It is not just 1 ingredient that makes a moisturizer great, it is the overall combination. The effectiveness depends on how the ingredients are combined. Generally, the following combinations are said to be the most hydrating:
Glycerin and BG
Glycerin and Sodium Hyaluronate
Concentrated Glycerin and Trehalose
Some examples of the best face moisturizers for dry skin:
- Hada Labo Gokujyun Hyaluronic Acid Emulsion
- Hada Labo Gokujyun Hyaluronic Acid Premium Lotion
- Hada Labo Gokujyun a Lotion Moist Type
- Naturie Skin Conditioning Gel
Some examples of the best face moisturizer for dry sensitive skin:
- Hada Labo Koi-Gokujyun Hyaluronic Perfect Gel
- Sana Nameraka Honpo Isoflavone Soymilk Cream
- Nameraka Honpo Emulsion
- Curel Intensive Moisture Cream
Explore more Japanese Face Moisturizers at Japan With Love !
Some examples of the best face moisturizer for oily skin:
- Minon Amino Moist Charge Milk
- Kiku Masamune Japanese Sake Skincare Emulsion
- Muji Moisturising Milk Moisture Type
- Curel Moisture Lotion III Enrich
Visit Japan With Love and choose your own Face Moisturizer now !
What is the Difference Between Different Texture Types?
Well, various textures have various functions. The oil content is the main distinction between lotion and cream, though. Both are primarily composed of water and oil, while cream has a higher oil-to-water ratio. Because it might gradually absorb into your skin while you are sleeping, you should apply a thicker moisturizer during your nighttime routine. On hectic mornings, you can apply a lotion that will swiftly sink into the skin and won't leave a greasy aftertaste.
Where to get Japanese Face Moisturizer?
Now that you are aware of the benefits that facial moisturizing can bring about, you must be eager to know where you can buy one for yourself. In that case, head over to our online store Japan with Love. We have a wide selection of genuine facial moisturizers in Japan that you can browse. We also provide quick delivery. Visit us to avail of the perks of the best face moisturizer sooner than later!