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Hair Treatment

Hair Treatment



What is the treatment?

Hair treatments generally refer to any means of managing common hair-related problems such as hair fall, dryness, dandruff, frizzy hair, thinning hair, and so on. The treatments vary in terms of the problem you are suffering from because different ingredients and elements are required to tackle them. These problems can be caused to a variety of reasons such as your lifestyle, dietary habits, the products you already use for your hair, and your natural hair type.  

6 different types of hair treatments 

  • Scalp treatment: Individuals who experience dry and itchy scalp may request a scalp treatment. This service delivers a lovely feeling, and it restores the oil production in the scalp to promote healthy hair growth. Scalp treatment can use for individuals with oily scalps or those with dry, flaky scalps. Maintaining a healthy scalp is necessary to have healthy hair. 
  • Hot oil treatment: Hot oil treatment is one of the most favored when customers desire quick shine and close the hair cuticle. This results in soft hair that looks smooth and is a well-nourished feel. The method usually needs 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on the hair situation and health. The oil treatment needs to apply on the hair for about 15-20 minutes then wash out. Clients with colored hair as well as those with dry and frizzy hair can help with this hair treatment. 
  • Hair detox treatment: Hair Detox treatment is most suitable for those who have experienced various kinds of hairstyling and treatments. Extra product usage or exposure to chemicals will leave a buildup on the hair stick and initiate hair damage. Hair detox treatment removes the hair shaft and enhances overall hair and scalp health to promote hair growth. A hair detox will also purify the tresses and release impurities that drive them to lack gloss and lushness. Hair damage is a typical scenario that many individuals experience. There are numerous salon treatments delivered today, and it offers to learn which one will suit your hair situation. 
  • Moisture treatment: Rejuvenate dry and thirsty tresses with a moisture protein treatment. The creme deep conditioning treatment, a quality moisture treatment can cure typical hair woes such as split ends and lack of shine. Olaplex Hair Perfector No 3 is a famous repairing treatment that is rubbed into the hair during a luxurious and cozy service and can be added to the price of your weekly blowout. It’s best for overprocessed, heat-damaged, dried, and desperate hair that requires a little love. Add a moisture treatment to your next coloring service and your hair will be happy.
  • Relax treatment: If your curls have carried over, a relaxing treatment can take back the control. Relaxing treatments combat frizz effectively and make hair elegant for months on end. Results can be customized to decrease curl, remove frizz, and manage movement. Keratin Smoothing Treatment is a special semi-permanent straightening treatment that is formaldehyde-free and suits. Relaxing treatments are utilized on textured hair, no matter whether it’s curly or wavy. You can have the beach waves of your imagination and ditch the dry, frizzy side impact of your curl. Also, this treatment can last for months; reapplication must be done carefully. If a relaxing treatment is done too frequently, the result can be dry, limp, and dull hair. Pick your battle and tread wisely. 
  • Keratin treatment: This treatment is perfect for women with curly and frizzy hair that won’t remain still. Keratin treatment gives soft results without using flat irons and any other styling products. There are two different ways of using keratin to the hair. The essential keratin smoothing treatment delivers shine and silky hair for six months. The Brazilian blowout gives a solution that pelts the hair shaft and maintains curls for almost three months. 

Who is eligible for the treatment?

Depending on the type of hair, anyone can utilize hair treatments. In any case, the majority of people use specific shampoos and conditioners for their hair, and using hair oils is fairly typical in India. Whatever the natural state of your hair, you can benefit from applying a variety of treatments to improve it.

The top 5 best hair treatments you should know 

  • Shiseido Fino Premium Touch Hair Treatment
  • Milbon Deesse’s Elujuda Emulsion +
  • Oshima Tsubaki - Pure Natural Japanese Camellia Oil 60ml
  • Shiseido - Tsubaki Premium Repair Hair Mask
  • Kracie Ichikami Moisture Waso Hair Treatment Serum

You can read more information about hair treatment products: https://japanwithlovestore.com/blogs/blogs/best-hair-treatment-in-japan?gclid=Cj0KCQiA14WdBhD8ARIsANao07h5BydjAU8DfdSZpEWo4dktlkwHrqS2cCJ6R4bO84xUvCanJUqWWj8aAo_pEALw_wcB 

Where to get Japanese Hair Treatment Products? 

Now that you are aware of the benefits that hair treatment products can bring about, you must be eager to know where you can buy one for yourself. In that case, head over to our online store Japan with Love. You can browse a wide selection of genuine hair treatment items in Japan. We also provide quick delivery. Visit us to avail of the perks of hair treatment products sooner than later!