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Health Care

Health Care


  • Precio original €6,95 - Precio original €6,95
    Precio original
    €6,95 - €6,95
    Precio actual €6,95

    Nature Made B- Complex 60 comprimidos

    Alimentos con función nutritiva de 8 tipos de vitaminas B (niacina, biotina) País de origen: EE. UU.

    Precio original €6,95 - Precio original €6,95
    Precio original
    €6,95 - €6,95
    Precio actual €6,95
  • Precio original €209,95 - Precio original €209,95
    Precio original
    €209,95 - €209,95
    Precio actual €209,95

    DHC Fresh Placenta, cápsulas duras, suministro ...

    Raw Placenta Hard Capsule es un suplemento completo que es útil como hábito diario de belleza, salud y energía. La placenta contiene una amplia var...

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    Precio original €209,95 - Precio original €209,95
    Precio original
    €209,95 - €209,95
    Precio actual €209,95
  • Precio original €14,95 - Precio original €14,95
    Precio original
    €14,95 - €14,95
    Precio actual €14,95

    HADAPLA Placenta, ácido hialurónico, colágeno, ...

    1 bolsa de 60 granos (30 días), disfrute de dos granos por día con agua como guía. Se puede dividir en varias veces. Será que puedas ingerir la pla...

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    Precio original €14,95 - Precio original €14,95
    Precio original
    €14,95 - €14,95
    Precio actual €14,95
  • Precio original €7,95 - Precio original €7,95
    Precio original
    €7,95 - €7,95
    Precio actual €7,95

    Nature calcio magnesio zinc 90 gotas

    Alimentos con función nutritiva de tres minerales importantes (calcio, magnesio, zinc) País de origen: EE. UU.

    Precio original €7,95 - Precio original €7,95
    Precio original
    €7,95 - €7,95
    Precio actual €7,95
  • Precio original €7,95 - Precio original €7,95
    Precio original
    €7,95 - €7,95
    Precio actual €7,95

    Suplemento de calcio DHC + CPB Suministro de 60...

    Alta calidad y bajo precio para su salud diaria ¡Contiene CBP que se enfoca en la tasa de retención de calcio! Alimentos con propiedades nutritivas...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original €7,95 - Precio original €7,95
    Precio original
    €7,95 - €7,95
    Precio actual €7,95
  • Precio original €29,95 - Precio original €29,95
    Precio original
    €29,95 - €29,95
    Precio actual €29,95

    Aplicación perfecta Gelatina humectante placent...

    Sin azúcar, sin cafeína, sabor a pomelo, sin jugo, 4kcal por botella, ¡fácil de limpiar en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar! Perfecto signifi...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original €29,95 - Precio original €29,95
    Precio original
    €29,95 - €29,95
    Precio actual €29,95
  • Precio original €5,95 - Precio original €5,95
    Precio original
    €5,95 - €5,95
    Precio actual €5,95

    Ver el poder del colágeno proteoglicano <jel...

    Cada caja contiene 10,000ug de proteoglicano y 10,000mg de colágeno, así como ácido hialurónico, 75 tipos de extractos de plantas fermentadas, extr...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original €5,95 - Precio original €5,95
    Precio original
    €5,95 - €5,95
    Precio actual €5,95
  • Precio original €22,95 - Precio original €22,95
    Precio original
    €22,95 - €22,95
    Precio actual €22,95

    Shiseido Q10 Shiny Beauty 60 cápsulas unos 30 días

    Shiseido Q10 Shiny Beauty 60 cápsulas unos 30 días

    Precio original €22,95 - Precio original €22,95
    Precio original
    €22,95 - €22,95
    Precio actual €22,95
  • Precio original €15,95 - Precio original €15,95
    Precio original
    €15,95 - €15,95
    Precio actual €15,95

    DHC Black Vinegar Moromi Mash + Suplemento de a...

    Es rico en aminoácidos que ayudan a la salud, el vinagre negro, que ha sido popular en la medicina tradicional china en el mundo. 1300 aC, la const...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original €15,95 - Precio original €15,95
    Precio original
    €15,95 - €15,95
    Precio actual €15,95
  • Precio original €12,95 - Precio original €12,95
    Precio original
    €12,95 - €12,95
    Precio actual €12,95

    Suplemento de propóleo DHC durante 30 días

    También se espera que el propóleo para hacer las abejas, los aminoácidos y los minerales, a partir de los cuales contiene una gran cantidad de nutr...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original €12,95 - Precio original €12,95
    Precio original
    €12,95 - €12,95
    Precio actual €12,95
  • Precio original €18,95 - Precio original €18,95
    Precio original
    €18,95 - €18,95
    Precio actual €18,95

    Suplemento de DHC PS (fosfatidilserina) durante...

    Suplemento de DHC PS (fosfatidilserina) durante 30 días

    Precio original €18,95 - Precio original €18,95
    Precio original
    €18,95 - €18,95
    Precio actual €18,95
  • Precio original €10,95 - Precio original €10,95
    Precio original
    €10,95 - €10,95
    Precio actual €10,95

    Suplemento de extracto fermentado envejecido DH...

    ◆ Fermentación y crianza de 82 tipos de plantas. Apoya la energía diaria con el poder de las enzimas ◆ Salud y belleza, dieta y enzimas, que se esp...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original €10,95 - Precio original €10,95
    Precio original
    €10,95 - €10,95
    Precio actual €10,95
  • Precio original €20,95 - Precio original €20,95
    Precio original
    €20,95 - €20,95
    Precio actual €20,95

    Suplemento DHC Yuttari durante 30 días (para do...

    Suplemento DHC Yuttari durante 30 días (para dormir bien)

    Precio original €20,95 - Precio original €20,95
    Precio original
    €20,95 - €20,95
    Precio actual €20,95
  • Precio original €9,95 - Precio original €9,95
    Precio original
    €9,95 - €9,95
    Precio actual €9,95

    Suplemento de aceite de perilla DHC (suplemento...

    Un suplemento elaborado con aceite de perilla, un ingrediente saludable muy popular en estos días. ~ Recomendado para aquellos que ~ ・ Quieren come...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original €9,95 - Precio original €9,95
    Precio original
    €9,95 - €9,95
    Precio actual €9,95
  • Precio original €19,95 - Precio original €19,95
    Precio original
    €19,95 - €19,95
    Precio actual €19,95

    DHC Fabinoru 30 días de suministro

    Para quienes consumen demasiados carbohidratos. Por la fuerza de los frijoles blancos bloquean el arroz o el pan, como los fideos, carbohidrato del...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original €19,95 - Precio original €19,95
    Precio original
    €19,95 - €19,95
    Precio actual €19,95
  • Precio original €12,95 - Precio original €12,95
    Precio original
    €12,95 - €12,95
    Precio actual €12,95

    DHC Bacterias vivas (asistencia) Kefir 30 días

    En la región del Cáucaso de Europa del Este, conocida por su longevidad, la bebida fermentada con bacterias del ácido láctico que ha sido amada dur...

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    Precio original €12,95 - Precio original €12,95
    Precio original
    €12,95 - €12,95
    Precio actual €12,95
  • Precio original €7,95 - Precio original €7,95
    Precio original
    €7,95 - €7,95
    Precio actual €7,95

    Suplemento de equinácea DHC durante 30 días

    Echinacea nativa del centro y suroeste de los Estados Unidos, hierba Asteraceae de los nativos americanos que conocen y aman desde la antigüedad. E...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original €7,95 - Precio original €7,95
    Precio original
    €7,95 - €7,95
    Precio actual €7,95
  • Precio original €9,95 - Precio original €9,95
    Precio original
    €9,95 - €9,95
    Precio actual €9,95

    Suplemento de DHC DHA durante 30 días

    ¡En el componente suave del pescado azul, valor saludable para la salud! ¡Rotación también limpia y clara! El DHA (ácido docosahexaenoico), EPA (ác...

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    Precio original €9,95 - Precio original €9,95
    Precio original
    €9,95 - €9,95
    Precio actual €9,95
  • Precio original €12,95 - Precio original €12,95
    Precio original
    €12,95 - €12,95
    Precio actual €12,95

    DHC Sweet balance 30 días

    Siete de comer demasiado y, aunque es un componente dulce, el "equilibrio dulce" de respaldo, como la alteración de la afección, es un su...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original €12,95 - Precio original €12,95
    Precio original
    €12,95 - €12,95
    Precio actual €12,95
  • Precio original €24,95 - Precio original €24,95
    Precio original
    €24,95 - €24,95
    Precio actual €24,95

    Bloqueador de alimentos básicos DHC 30 días

    Carbohidrato en bloque de dos etapas de tres componentes! ¡Por la salud y la dieta de los amantes de los alimentos básicos! "Bloqueador de ali...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original €24,95 - Precio original €24,95
    Precio original
    €24,95 - €24,95
    Precio actual €24,95
  • Precio original €13,95 - Precio original €13,95
    Precio original
    €13,95 - €13,95
    Precio actual €13,95

    Suplemento DHC Maca durante 30 días

    ¡Apoya todos los días lleno de vitalidad con la poderosa receta! Alta vitalidad combinada llena de maca de extracto concentrado y 405 mg por día (9...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original €13,95 - Precio original €13,95
    Precio original
    €13,95 - €13,95
    Precio actual €13,95
  • Precio original €8,95 - Precio original €8,95
    Precio original
    €8,95 - €8,95
    Precio actual €8,95

    Suplemento de fuente de relajación DHC (suminis...

    ¡Contiene el ingrediente del té verde L-teanina! Te hace sentir relajado. Recomendado para personas que: ・ Están bajo demasiada presión ・ Siempre e...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original €8,95 - Precio original €8,95
    Precio original
    €8,95 - €8,95
    Precio actual €8,95
  • Precio original €5,95 - Precio original €5,95
    Precio original
    €5,95 - €5,95
    Precio actual €5,95

    Suplemento multimineral DHC

    El calcio es un nutriente necesario para la formación de huesos y dientes. El hierro es un nutriente necesario para la formación de glóbulos rojos....

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original €5,95 - Precio original €5,95
    Precio original
    €5,95 - €5,95
    Precio actual €5,95
  • Precio original €24,95 - Precio original €24,95
    Precio original
    €24,95 - €24,95
    Precio actual €24,95

    Suplemento DHC Melilot (40 tabletas, suministro...

    Mezcla de "extracto concentrado de Pueraria" Suplementos de componentes útiles 97% de contenido Pueraria es una hierba leguminosa origina...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original €24,95 - Precio original €24,95
    Precio original
    €24,95 - €24,95
    Precio actual €24,95

Benefits of Japanese Healthcare Products

Japanese healthcare brands have gained a reputation worldwide for their dedication to quality, innovation, and effective natural ingredients. Known for combining traditional Japanese wellness practices with advanced technology, these brands offer products that cater to a variety of health and wellness needs. From skincare and pain relief to immune support and supplements, Japanese healthcare products are trusted by millions across the globe.

Whether you’re interested in enhancing your wellness routine or seeking targeted health solutions, Japanese brands offer a range of products that are scientifically backed and safe for everyday use. This article explores what makes Japanese healthcare products unique, the different types available, and the brands leading the industry.

Key Factors That Make Japanese Healthcare Products Stand Out

Japanese healthcare products are well-regarded for a variety of reasons. Here’s a look at what makes these products so unique and why they are preferred by people looking for high-quality wellness solutions:
  • Natural and High-Quality Ingredients: Japanese healthcare products prioritize natural ingredients, often including botanicals and herbal extracts that have been used for centuries in Japanese medicine. Ingredients such as green tea, seaweed, collagen, and various plant-based compounds are used for their gentle yet effective properties.

  • Strict Quality Standards: Japan is known for its rigorous quality control and safety standards. Healthcare products from Japan are manufactured with precision and undergo thorough testing to ensure they meet both Japanese and international safety standards. This emphasis on quality makes Japanese products reliable and effective.

  • Innovation and Technology: Japanese brands are at the forefront of healthcare innovation, integrating cutting-edge technology with traditional practices. For example, they have developed advanced collagen supplements and enzyme-based products that promote health from the inside out. These products leverage Japan’s technological expertise to deliver results while maintaining product integrity.

  • Holistic Wellness Philosophy: Japanese healthcare products often emphasize balance and harmony, focusing not only on treating symptoms but also on supporting overall wellness. This holistic approach appeals to consumers who want products that not only solve immediate health issues but also contribute to long-term wellbeing.

Exploring the Range of Japanese Healthcare Products

Japanese healthcare brands offer a broad array of products that cater to different health needs. Here are some of the most popular types:
  • Supplements and Vitamins: Japanese brands are renowned for their high-quality supplements, including collagen, probiotics, and multivitamins. These supplements are formulated to support skin health, digestive health, and general wellness. Collagen supplements, in particular, are widely used in Japan for promoting skin elasticity and hydration.

  • Skincare Health Products: With a focus on gentle and effective ingredients, Japanese skincare products often serve dual purposes by nourishing both the skin’s appearance and health. From UV-protecting sunscreens to vitamin-rich serums, these products help maintain a clear, youthful complexion while providing health benefits like hydration and anti-aging support.

  • Pain Relief and Therapy Products: Japanese brands offer unique pain relief solutions such as heat patches, herbal ointments, and aromatherapy-based products. These items provide natural relief for common ailments, like muscle pain and joint discomfort, using ingredients such as menthol and camphor for soothing effects.

  • Digestive Health Products: Digestive health is a significant part of wellness in Japan, with products like enzyme-based supplements, fiber-rich teas, and herbal blends designed to improve digestion and support gut health. These products often contain fermented ingredients, which are well-regarded for their benefits on gut flora and overall health.

Leading Japanese Healthcare Brands and Their Signature Products

Several Japanese healthcare brands have become popular worldwide, thanks to their commitment to quality and effectiveness. Here are a few that stand out:
  • DHC: Known for its high-quality skincare and health supplements, DHC offers a wide range of products that focus on both beauty and wellness. Their supplements, such as collagen tablets, vitamin C, and enzyme blends, are especially popular for supporting skin health, digestive wellness, and immunity. DHC is widely regarded for making quality health products accessible and effective for everyday use.

DHC Bulgarian Rose Capsules

Add to cart: DHC Bulgarian Rose Capsules

  • Shiseido: As one of Japan’s most iconic brands, Shiseido offers both skincare and health products that emphasize holistic wellness. Shiseido’s “The Collagen” series is particularly popular for its high-quality collagen supplements, which are formulated to enhance skin health from within.

Shiseido Collagen Tablets

Buy now: Shiseido Collagen Tablets

  • Meiji: Famous for its high-grade amino collagen powder, Meiji has gained international recognition for its skin-supporting supplements. Meiji’s products focus on skin health and are praised for their purity and effectiveness in promoting elasticity and hydration.

👉 Explore Meiji Healthcare collection now!

These brands reflect the best of Japanese healthcare: quality ingredients, science-backed formulations, and a commitment to natural health solutions. Their products offer effective and safe ways to support health, whether you’re looking to improve skin quality, digestive health, or overall wellness.

Conclusion: Why Japanese Healthcare Products Are Worth Trying

Japanese healthcare brands are trusted worldwide for their dedication to quality, natural ingredients, and advanced innovation. With a wide range of products that cater to everything from skincare and pain relief to immune support and digestive health, these brands offer solutions that fit seamlessly into daily routines while promoting long-term wellness.

Whether you’re interested in trying out collagen supplements for better skin, natural pain relief patches, or enzyme-based digestive products, Japanese healthcare brands have something for everyone. Backed by rigorous quality standards and a philosophy of holistic wellness, these products are worth adding to your routine for effective and reliable health support. Embrace the best of Japanese healthcare and discover the difference that quality and natural wellness can make in your life.