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Eye Makeup

Eye Makeup

  • Precio original €8,95 - Precio original €8,95
    Precio original
    €8,95 - €8,95
    Precio actual €8,95

    Crema de ojos blanqueadora de placenta (30g)

    Solución cosmética para las arrugas debajo de los ojos y las líneas de la sonrisa W Cuidado del envejecimiento para antiarrugas / antimanchas. El i...

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    Precio original €8,95 - Precio original €8,95
    Precio original
    €8,95 - €8,95
    Precio actual €8,95
  • Precio original €14,95 - Precio original €14,95
    Precio original
    €14,95 - €14,95
    Precio actual €14,95

    Crema de ojos hidratante de urea (30g)

    Crema de ojos hidratante de urea (30g) de Japón

    Precio original €14,95 - Precio original €14,95
    Precio original
    €14,95 - €14,95
    Precio actual €14,95
  • Precio original €6,95 - Precio original €6,95
    Precio original
    €6,95 - €6,95
    Precio actual €6,95

    Isehan Kiss Me Heroine Make Smooth Liquid Eyeli...

    Isehan Kiss Me Heroine Make Smooth Liquid Eyeliner Bitter Brown Detalles: Marca: Isehan Altura: 25 mm Peso: 26,0 g Hecho en Japón

    Precio original €6,95 - Precio original €6,95
    Precio original
    €6,95 - €6,95
    Precio actual €6,95
  • Precio original €6,95 - Precio original €6,95
    Precio original
    €6,95 - €6,95
    Precio actual €6,95

    Cezanne - Drawing Double Eyelid Eyelid (Sombra ...

    Detalles de producto Delineador de ojos marrón claro para acentuar el plumaje.El párpado se ve natural y claro y se convierte en un gran ojo.Dibuja...

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    Precio original €6,95 - Precio original €6,95
    Precio original
    €6,95 - €6,95
    Precio actual €6,95
  • Precio original €9,95 - Precio original €9,95
    Precio original
    €9,95 - €9,95
    Precio actual €9,95

    Máscara de pestañas Opera MyLash Advanced 5g

    Descripción del Producto: Una máscara de pestañas alargadora con una fórmula brillante, de color negro azabache y de larga duración. Este cepillo e...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original €9,95 - Precio original €9,95
    Precio original
    €9,95 - €9,95
    Precio actual €9,95
  • Precio original €12,95 - Precio original €12,95
    Precio original
    €12,95 - €12,95
    Precio actual €12,95

    Isehan Kiss Me Heroine Make Long & Curl Más...

    Kiss me Heroine Make Mascara para pestañas largas y rizadas. Esta máscara alarga las pestañas y crea una apariencia hermosa que dura todo el tiempo...

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    Precio original €12,95 - Precio original €12,95
    Precio original
    €12,95 - €12,95
    Precio actual €12,95
  • Precio original €54,95 - Precio original €54,95
    Precio original
    €54,95 - €54,95
    Precio actual €54,95

    Shiseido White Lucent Brightening Eye Cream 15g

    Shiseido White Lucent Brightening Eye Cream 15g

    Precio original €54,95 - Precio original €54,95
    Precio original
    €54,95 - €54,95
    Precio actual €54,95
  • Precio original €158,95 - Precio original €158,95
    Precio original
    €158,95 - €158,95
    Precio actual €158,95

    BA crema para la zona de los ojos 26g

    Es una crema con una densa riqueza, adherencia para tirar de la piel. Junto con el acercamiento a la profundidad siempre, con firmeza y efecto trid...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original €158,95 - Precio original €158,95
    Precio original
    €158,95 - €158,95
    Precio actual €158,95
  • Precio original €11,95 - Precio original €11,95
    Precio original
    €11,95 - €11,95
    Precio actual €11,95

    Isehan Kiss Me Heroine Make Volume & Curl M...

    La máscara de pestañas Heroine Make, para pestañas voluminosas y rizadas, crea una apariencia hermosa que dura todo el tiempo que necesites. La fór...

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    Precio original €11,95 - Precio original €11,95
    Precio original
    €11,95 - €11,95
    Precio actual €11,95
  • Precio original €33,95 - Precio original €33,95
    Precio original
    €33,95 - €33,95
    Precio actual €33,95

    Máscara de pestañas Flow Fushi Mote Natural 1 L...

    - Esta máscara ayuda a que tus ojos luzcan bonitos y más grandes. - Una máscara de pestañas de última generación que te da unas pestañas largas y r...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original €33,95 - Precio original €33,95
    Precio original
    €33,95 - €33,95
    Precio actual €33,95
  • Precio original €6,95 - Precio original €6,95
    Precio original
    €6,95 - €6,95
    Precio actual €6,95

    Canmake Jewelry Shadow Veil 01 Innocent Crystal...

    Details: Brand: Can Make Size: 1.0cm x 5.0cm x 6.0cm Weight: 10g ...

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    Precio original €6,95 - Precio original €6,95
    Precio original
    €6,95 - €6,95
    Precio actual €6,95
  • Precio original €7,95 - Precio original €7,95
    Precio original
    €7,95 - €7,95
    Precio actual €7,95

    Canmake Quick Lash Curler Transparente 6g

    Canmake Quick Lash Curler potencia las pestañas y reaviva el rizo, manteniendo los ojos grandes y brillantes durante todo el día. Detalles: Marca: ...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original €7,95 - Precio original €7,95
    Precio original
    €7,95 - €7,95
    Precio actual €7,95
  • Precio original €24,95 - Precio original €24,95
    Precio original
    €24,95 - €24,95
    Precio actual €24,95

    Máscara de pestañas Flow Fushi Mote Technical 0...

    - Un peine ultrafino hecho a mano, puede separar cada pestaña. - Alargamiento de pestañas, resistente al agua y al sudor. - Esta máscara ayuda a qu...

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    Precio original €24,95 - Precio original €24,95
    Precio original
    €24,95 - €24,95
    Precio actual €24,95
  • Precio original €10,95 - Precio original €10,95
    Precio original
    €10,95 - €10,95
    Precio actual €10,95

    Kate Designing Eyebrow 3D Ex-5 Brown Color 2.2g...

    Details: Brand: Kate Size: 1.0cm x 4.0cm x 13.0cm Weight: 2.2g ...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original €10,95 - Precio original €10,95
    Precio original
    €10,95 - €10,95
    Precio actual €10,95
  • Precio original €13,95 - Precio original €13,95
    Precio original
    €13,95 - €13,95
    Precio actual €13,95

    Canmake Perfect Multi Eyes 5 Color Eyeshadow Pa...

    Canmake Perfect Multi Eyes 5-Color Eyeshadow Palette Matte Finish Details: Brand: Canmake Made in Japan * This product information is updatin...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original €13,95 - Precio original €13,95
    Precio original
    €13,95 - €13,95
    Precio actual €13,95
  • Precio original €5,95 - Precio original €5,95
    Precio original
    €5,95 - €5,95
    Precio actual €5,95

    Koji Eye Talk Double Eyelid Maker Glue Humectan...

    El fabricante de párpados dobles Koji Eye Talk crea párpados dobles naturales y hermosos. Detalles: Marca: Koji Altura: 28 mm Peso: 29,0 g Hecho en...

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    Precio original €5,95 - Precio original €5,95
    Precio original
    €5,95 - €5,95
    Precio actual €5,95
  • Precio original €7,95 - Precio original €7,95
    Precio original
    €7,95 - €7,95
    Precio actual €7,95

    Ojo kumárgico

    Para eliminar la pigmentación de los haloxilos de la sangre (el oso se vuelve más delgado con las materias primas cosméticas alrededor del ojo) es ...

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    Precio original €7,95 - Precio original €7,95
    Precio original
    €7,95 - €7,95
    Precio actual €7,95
  • Precio original €20,95 - Precio original €20,95
    Precio original
    €20,95 - €20,95
    Precio actual €20,95

    Kanebo Kate Lash Maximizer Mascara Base White Ex-1

    Kate Lash Maximizer Mascara Base para pestañas voluminosas, largas y rizadas. Contiene ingredientes nutritivos para las pestañas como aceite de oli...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original €20,95 - Precio original €20,95
    Precio original
    €20,95 - €20,95
    Precio actual €20,95
  • Precio original €45,95 - Precio original €45,95
    Precio original
    €45,95 - €45,95
    Precio actual €45,95

    Máscara de pestañas Flow Fushi Mote Impact 1 Dr...

    - Te da unas pestañas largas increíbles. - Dale a tus pestañas un aspecto hermoso y hermoso. Contiene muchos ingredientes de belleza y al mismo tie...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original €45,95 - Precio original €45,95
    Precio original
    €45,95 - €45,95
    Precio actual €45,95
  • Precio original €77,95 - Precio original €77,95
    Precio original
    €77,95 - €77,95
    Precio actual €77,95

    Crema de ojos SK-II Skinpower 15g

    Dale vitalidad a la gente, ojos jóvenes. Puede penetrar rápidamente la piel (* 1) y puede ingresar al paso de maquillaje de inmediato. Pitera Gamma...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original €77,95 - Precio original €77,95
    Precio original
    €77,95 - €77,95
    Precio actual €77,95
  • Precio original €49,95 - Precio original €49,95
    Precio original
    €49,95 - €49,95
    Precio actual €49,95

    Sekkisei Eye Cream N 20g

    Estimula el total a los factores que oscurecen el ojo original, crema para ojos llena de una sensación de transparencia clara como la nieve Ingredi...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original €49,95 - Precio original €49,95
    Precio original
    €49,95 - €49,95
    Precio actual €49,95
  • Precio original €25,95 - Precio original €25,95
    Precio original
    €25,95 - €25,95
    Precio actual €25,95

    PDC PMEL Essence Strong Curl Mascara Base 7g - ...

    Pdc Pmel Essence Mascara Base 7G Product description: PDC pmel essence mascara base keeps your lashes curly all day long while being strongly re...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original €25,95 - Precio original €25,95
    Precio original
    €25,95 - €25,95
    Precio actual €25,95
  • Precio original €79,95 - Precio original €79,95
    Precio original
    €79,95 - €79,95
    Precio actual €79,95

    Hoja de esencia de Akushijia Beauty Eyes premium

    Si desea realizar cuidados intensivos una vez al día todas las mañanas o noches, úselo dos veces al día por la mañana y por la noche. 1. Después de...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original €79,95 - Precio original €79,95
    Precio original
    €79,95 - €79,95
    Precio actual €79,95
  • Precio original €11,95 - Precio original €11,95
    Precio original
    €11,95 - €11,95
    Precio actual €11,95

    DHC Perfect Pro Double Protection Black Mascara...

    Dhc Mascara Perfect Pro Double Protection Black Details: Brand: Dhc Made in Japan * This product information is updating, please contact us if yo...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original €11,95 - Precio original €11,95
    Precio original
    €11,95 - €11,95
    Precio actual €11,95

Japanese Eye Makeup Products

Along with general makeup, eye makeup is an art, and it has captivating effects on the face. You would look fierce or amazing right away as your entire appearance is changed which includes eye looks. The ability to apply flawless eye makeup can be learned through practice, knowledge of stuff, and basic tips.

Which products are used for eye makeup?

The cosmetic market is overrun with products for eye makeup. With the wide selection of eye makeup items, your gorgeous eyes will exude even more allure. Use kajal, eye eyeliner, eye shadow, and mascara to adorn your eyes. They'll make your eyes look even more gorgeous. And here are some common eye makeup products that you can use:


Eyeliner is the most popular type of eye makeup. Eyeliners provide you with gorgeous and sexy eyes. They make your eyes appear lovely and accentuate their features. You can select from a variety of eyeliners that are offered online. 

️🛒 Bring it home:  Fancl Eyeliner Pencil Holder for Smooth Touch Pencils

Gel Eyeliners

Your eyes will look stylish and have lovely contours thanks to gel eyeliners. They are simple to use, much like sketching with a pen. They dry quickly compared to liquid liners, saving you time. The gel eyeliners use a formula for long time stays. It is perfect for both private and business use. 

Eyeliner Pens

Pen eyeliners are a new development in the field of eye makeup. You may handle them like a pen and they have a pen-like appearance. You can apply eye makeup without effort thanks to the felt tip of these pen liners. They are long-lasting and smudge-resistant. This liner's intense pigments give your eyes a striking look. 


The highlighting is well accomplished by the eyeshadows. Online shops offer a huge selection of eye shadow palettes. They provide you with a wide range of palette options. They come in a variety of hues, and some of them can be organic which is safe for your eyes.


If you don't dress up your eyelashes, your eye makeup is incomplete. The mascara gives volume to your lashes for this phase, completing your best eye makeup. Always choose waterproof mascara to enable you to go outside in any conditions.

🛍️ Buy now: DHC Perfect Pro Double Protection Black Mascara

Eyebrow Pencil

Eyebrows play a significant role in eye makeup since they determine the curve of your eyebrows and serve to complete the overall look.

👉 Bring it home: Heavy Rotation Eyebrow Pencil

Kajals And Kohls

Your lustrous eyes' innate beauty will be enhanced by kajal. Utilizing kohl or kajal is essential for making your eye makeup more attractive.

Different styles of eye makeup

Makeup styles and color combinations in makeup are endless, but here are some basic makeup styles that are common:


To get this appearance, choose soft, neutral hues that enhance and accentuate your natural skin tone.

Cat-eye makeup 

A classical method that entails sweeping the outer corners of the eyes upward. Using eyeshadow, liquid eyeliner, pencil eyeliner, or gel eyeliner, you may create this look.

Smoky eyes 

It gives the eyes a sultry, mysterious appearance. You can create a smoky eye using natural colors, dark colors, or bold, vibrant colors such as pinks or greens. If you want to go a step further, dust the lower lash line with the same or similar colors as the upper eyelid.


Tiny sparkles are used to create a shimmering eye makeup effect. A shiny or glittery appearance that gives the eyelid some pizazz is the end result. Any makeup look can be improved by the addition of sparkly eyeshadow.


Apply a deeper eye shadow to the inner and outer margins of the eyelid, then lightly dust a lighter shade over the center of the eyelid to create a halo effect. By using this method, the eyes appear bigger and rounder.


While any combination of complementary hues can be used to create a gradient eye, the technique is typically used with eyeshadow that is strong. Apply little amounts of each color in the inner to outer corners of the eyelid, mixing the colors slightly as you go.

Cut crease. 

This makeup style makes use of a method to highlight the crease of the eyelid. To draw a line or make a "cut" across the crease of the eyelid, use contrasting eyeshadow. Depending on how dramatic you want the crease to look, you can either delicately blend the crease with the rest of your eyeshadow or don't. Given that monolid eyes have little to no natural crease in the eyelid, this procedure works well for those with this eye shape.

Where to buy Japanese Eye Makeup Products

There are many options and many stores for you to buy Japanese eye makeup products but if you want to choose a prestige place that provides you with authentic makeup products, let's check out Japan With Love Website.

Japan With Love is an online store that provides various of Japan products such as supplements, vitamins, health food, and cosmetic products,... We also have other social media channels to make it easier for customers to approach us. 

Saving-time delivery and dedicated advice from our staff would make your online shopping more convenient. 


Japan With Love provides genuine cosmetics, supplements, foods, and collectibles manufactured in Japan.

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