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Beauty & Personal Care

Beauty & Personal Care

  • Precio original $26.00
    Precio original $26.00 - Precio original $26.00
    Precio original $26.00
    Precio actual $22.00
    $22.00 - $22.00
    Precio actual $22.00

    蜂蜜深層滋潤洗髮精超滋潤有機日本 440 毫升

    產品描述: 使用&Honey Deep Moist Shampoo Super Moist Organic Japan 440ML 探索有​​機日本植物的滋養功效!這款奢華日本蜂蜜洗髮精採用有機蜂蜜萃取物和 11 種來自日本的天然植物萃取物(包括山茶花、苦橙和薑根)配製而成,可滋潤...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original $26.00
    Precio original $26.00 - Precio original $26.00
    Precio original $26.00
    Precio actual $22.00
    $22.00 - $22.00
    Precio actual $22.00
    Ahorre $4.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $38.00
    Precio original $38.00 - Precio original $38.00
    Precio original $38.00
    Precio actual $30.00
    $30.00 - $30.00
    Precio actual $30.00


    隆重介紹 &Honey Japan 深層保濕護髮素 2.0,針對乾燥和受損髮質的終極強效保濕護理!我們獨特的配方含有有機成分,可提供持久的水分和營養,深入滲透到頭髮角質層。外來植物萃取物和精油的結合創造了一種強效的頭髮護理,從髮根到髮梢修復、強化和滋養頭髮。豐富的有機配方有助於防止髮尾...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original $38.00
    Precio original $38.00 - Precio original $38.00
    Precio original $38.00
    Precio actual $30.00
    $30.00 - $30.00
    Precio actual $30.00
    Ahorre $8.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $23.00
    Precio original $23.00 - Precio original $23.00
    Precio original $23.00
    Precio actual $16.00
    $16.00 - $16.00
    Precio actual $16.00

    Biore UV Aqua Esencia acuosa rica - Tamaño gran...

    Descripción del Producto: Con la fórmula mejorada aumentada a SPF50 + y PA ++++, la textura del protector solar sigue siendo la misma que la fórmul...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original $23.00
    Precio original $23.00 - Precio original $23.00
    Precio original $23.00
    Precio actual $16.00
    $16.00 - $16.00
    Precio actual $16.00
    Ahorre $7.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $28.00 - Precio original $28.00
    Precio original $28.00
    $33.00 - $33.00
    Precio actual $33.00

    蜂蜜融化滋潤修護洗髮精1.0 日本 |蜂蜜膨脹護理 440 毫升

    隆重介紹日本&Honey Melty 保濕修護洗髮露 1.0!這款溫和的洗髮精非常適合修復和滋養乾燥、受損的頭髮。其獨特的配方含有蜂蜜,可以使頭髮膨脹,使其保持水分並保持健康。洗髮精還具有令人愉悅和清爽的香味,讓您的頭髮聞起來很香!這款洗髮精質地輕盈,可輕鬆在頭髮中擴散並快速起泡。使用...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original $28.00 - Precio original $28.00
    Precio original $28.00
    $33.00 - $33.00
    Precio actual $33.00
  • Precio original $19.00 - Precio original $19.00
    Precio original $19.00
    $19.00 - $19.00
    Precio actual $19.00

    Skin Aqua Super Moisture Gel Sunscreen SPF50 + ...

    - Distribuya uniformemente una cantidad adecuada. · Retirar el tapón, ser Karaoshi varias veces hasta que salga el contenido. · Extenderse uniforme...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original $19.00 - Precio original $19.00
    Precio original $19.00
    $19.00 - $19.00
    Precio actual $19.00
  • Precio original $26.00
    Precio original $26.00 - Precio original $26.00
    Precio original $26.00
    Precio actual $20.00
    $20.00 - $20.00
    Precio actual $20.00

    蜂蜜融化保濕修護髮油 3.0 日本 - 蜂蜜毛躁護理調整毛躁和捲髮 100 毫升

    隆重介紹來自日本的&Honey Melty 保濕修護髮油 3.0。這款極度滋養的髮油採用蜂蜜配製而成,有助於修復、滋養和調理頭髮。它有助於調整毛躁和捲曲,同時也為您的頭髮提供水分和光澤。其輕盈的質地不會給您的頭髮帶來負擔,其快速吸收的配方會讓您的頭髮感覺柔軟健康。這款髮油非常適合頭髮乾...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original $26.00
    Precio original $26.00 - Precio original $26.00
    Precio original $26.00
    Precio actual $20.00
    $20.00 - $20.00
    Precio actual $20.00
    Ahorre $6.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $22.00 - Precio original $22.00
    Precio original $22.00
    $22.00 - $22.00
    Precio actual $22.00

    Biore UV Aqua Esencia acuosa rica SPF50 PA ++++...

    Descripción del Producto: Con la fórmula mejorada aumentada a SPF50 + y PA ++++, la textura del protector solar sigue siendo la misma que la fórmul...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original $22.00 - Precio original $22.00
    Precio original $22.00
    $22.00 - $22.00
    Precio actual $22.00
  • Precio original $17.00
    Precio original $17.00 - Precio original $17.00
    Precio original $17.00
    Precio actual $12.00
    $12.00 - $12.00
    Precio actual $12.00

    Nivea - Bomba de gel de agua Sun Protect SPF50 ...

    ● Para la protección UV diaria. Aplicación suave sin residuos blancos. Gel UV para uso similar al de un tónico facial, se puede usar en todo el cue...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original $17.00
    Precio original $17.00 - Precio original $17.00
    Precio original $17.00
    Precio actual $12.00
    $12.00 - $12.00
    Precio actual $12.00
    Ahorre $5.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $18.00
    Precio original $18.00 - Precio original $18.00
    Precio original $18.00
    Precio actual $11.00
    $11.00 - $11.00
    Precio actual $11.00

    Shiseido - Mascarilla de tratamiento capilar Fi...

    Fino Essence Mask es el producto de cuidado del cabello perfecto para personas con cabello dañado y / o seco causado por las condiciones climáticas...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original $18.00
    Precio original $18.00 - Precio original $18.00
    Precio original $18.00
    Precio actual $11.00
    $11.00 - $11.00
    Precio actual $11.00
    Ahorre $7.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $18.00
    Precio original $18.00 - Precio original $18.00
    Precio original $18.00
    Precio actual $11.00
    $11.00 - $11.00
    Precio actual $11.00

    CanMake Skin Gel Tokyo Mermaid Protector solar ...

    SPF50 + PA ++++ Sensación de princesa sirena pastosa y refrescante ¡Sin pegajosidad! Contiene 85% de ingredientes esenciales. Se puede usar inmedia...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original $18.00
    Precio original $18.00 - Precio original $18.00
    Precio original $18.00
    Precio actual $11.00
    $11.00 - $11.00
    Precio actual $11.00
    Ahorre $7.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $13.00
    Precio original $13.00 - Precio original $13.00
    Precio original $13.00
    Precio actual $12.00
    $12.00 - $12.00
    Precio actual $12.00

    Biore 日本 UV Aqua 豐富水族保護噴霧 60ml

    使用 Biore Japan UV Aqua Rich Aqua Protect Mist 防曬霜。這款輕盈、清爽的噴霧可提供卓越的 UVA 和 UVB 射線防護,有助於保護您的皮膚免受陽光傷害和過早老化。這款噴霧採用 Aqua Nano 膠囊技術配製而成,有助於鎖住水分,而清新的柑橘香味有助...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original $13.00
    Precio original $13.00 - Precio original $13.00
    Precio original $13.00
    Precio actual $12.00
    $12.00 - $12.00
    Precio actual $12.00
    Ahorre $1.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $30.00
    Precio original $30.00 - Precio original $30.00
    Precio original $30.00
    Precio actual $28.00
    $28.00 - $28.00
    Precio actual $28.00

    蜂蜜奶油前損傷修復護髮素 2.0 日本 - 密集蜂蜜美容受損髮質 450G

    日本推出 &Honey Creamy Ex 損傷修復護髮素 2.0 - 密集蜂蜜美容受損髮質 450G!這款奢華的護髮素採用高濃縮蜂蜜萃取物配製而成,有助於立即修復受損的頭髮。它還有助於強化和保護您的頭髮,同時恢復光澤和柔軟度。它富含維生素和礦物質,有助於滋養頭髮和頭皮。對於頭髮受損或...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original $30.00
    Precio original $30.00 - Precio original $30.00
    Precio original $30.00
    Precio actual $28.00
    $28.00 - $28.00
    Precio actual $28.00
    Ahorre $2.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $13.00
    Precio original $13.00 - Precio original $13.00
    Precio original $13.00
    Precio actual $8.00
    $8.00 - $8.00
    Precio actual $8.00

    SKIN AQUA Transparencia arriba Tonifica Esencia...

    Protector solar que realza el tono y aporta una sensación de transparencia al tiempo que corta los rayos UV. SPF50 + PA ++++ / Super resistente al ...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original $13.00
    Precio original $13.00 - Precio original $13.00
    Precio original $13.00
    Precio actual $8.00
    $8.00 - $8.00
    Precio actual $8.00
    Ahorre $5.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $30.00 - Precio original $30.00
    Precio original $30.00
    $41.00 - $41.00
    Precio actual $41.00


    我們的 &Honey Creamy Ex 損傷修復洗髮精 1.0 是受損頭髮的完美解決方案。採用日本豐富的蜂蜜和其他天然成分配製而成,為受損頭髮提供滋養、深層修復和柔滑。奶油質地有助於減少髮尾分叉,讓頭髮變得柔軟。憑藉其濃鬱的蜂蜜香味,它還能讓您的頭髮聞起來清新甜美。它適合所有髮質,4...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original $30.00 - Precio original $30.00
    Precio original $30.00
    $41.00 - $41.00
    Precio actual $41.00
  • Precio original $23.00
    Precio original $23.00 - Precio original $23.00
    Precio original $23.00
    Precio actual $15.00
    $15.00 - $15.00
    Precio actual $15.00

    Skin Aqua Super Moisture Gel Gold Sunscreen SPF...

    Protector solar de día tipo gel con el mayor efecto de corte UV de la serie. El momento en que se puso fue, a pesar de sudar familiar a To Sutsu ha...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original $23.00
    Precio original $23.00 - Precio original $23.00
    Precio original $23.00
    Precio actual $15.00
    $15.00 - $15.00
    Precio actual $15.00
    Ahorre $8.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $16.00
    Precio original $16.00 - Precio original $16.00
    Precio original $16.00
    Precio actual $12.00
    $12.00 - $12.00
    Precio actual $12.00

    Skin Aqua Leche Súper Hidratante 40ml

    Descripción del Producto: Con SPF50 + / PA ++++, es el mejor protector solar lechoso con protección UV en la línea Skin Aqua. Súper impermeable es ...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original $16.00
    Precio original $16.00 - Precio original $16.00
    Precio original $16.00
    Precio actual $12.00
    $12.00 - $12.00
    Precio actual $12.00
    Ahorre $4.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $47.00
    Precio original $47.00 - Precio original $47.00
    Precio original $47.00
    Precio actual $32.00
    $32.00 - $32.00
    Precio actual $32.00

    Anessa Perfect UV Skin Care Leche SPF50 + PA ++...

    Descripción del Producto: La leche de protección solar Anessa Perfect UV con una textura ligera y lechosa proporciona una excelente protección sola...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original $47.00
    Precio original $47.00 - Precio original $47.00
    Precio original $47.00
    Precio actual $32.00
    $32.00 - $32.00
    Precio actual $32.00
    Ahorre $15.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $29.00 - Precio original $29.00
    Precio original $29.00
    $57.00 - $57.00
    Precio actual $57.00

    Revlon Super Lustrous Glass Shine Lipstick 008 ...

    細節: 品牌:露華濃 重量:20克 日本製造 * 此產品信息正在更新中,如需任何信息,請與我們聯繫。

    Precio original $29.00 - Precio original $29.00
    Precio original $29.00
    $57.00 - $57.00
    Precio actual $57.00
  • Precio original $18.00
    Precio original $18.00 - Precio original $18.00
    Precio original $18.00
    Precio actual $12.00
    $12.00 - $12.00
    Precio actual $12.00

    Biore Sarasara Leche perfecta UV SPF50 + / PA +...

    ¡Proteja todo su cuerpo de la fuerte luz ultravioleta con Biore Sarasara UV Perfect Milk! Previene las manchas y las pecas provocadas por las quema...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original $18.00
    Precio original $18.00 - Precio original $18.00
    Precio original $18.00
    Precio actual $12.00
    $12.00 - $12.00
    Precio actual $12.00
    Ahorre $6.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $25.00
    Precio original $25.00 - Precio original $25.00
    Precio original $25.00
    Precio actual $15.00
    $15.00 - $15.00
    Precio actual $15.00

    蜂蜜日本深層滋潤護髮素補充裝 350G 有機強效保濕配方

    隆重介紹 &Honey 日本深層滋潤護髮素補充裝 350G 有機強效保濕配方!這種奢華的護髮素採用有機成分和天然蜂蠟製成,有助於恢復乾燥和受損的頭髮。它經過專門配製,可深層滋養和滋潤您的頭髮和頭皮,使其柔軟、絲滑且健康。深層保濕配方溫和而有效,適合所有髮質,從細髮到濃密。經常使用,這種...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original $25.00
    Precio original $25.00 - Precio original $25.00
    Precio original $25.00
    Precio actual $15.00
    $15.00 - $15.00
    Precio actual $15.00
    Ahorre $10.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $18.00
    Precio original $18.00 - Precio original $18.00
    Precio original $18.00
    Precio actual $15.00
    $15.00 - $15.00
    Precio actual $15.00

    Shiseido - Acondicionador Tsubaki Premium Moist...

    Shiseido - Acondicionador Tsubaki Premium Moist 490ml Detalles: Marca: Shiseido Peso: 559,0 g Hecho en Japón

    Precio original $18.00
    Precio original $18.00 - Precio original $18.00
    Precio original $18.00
    Precio actual $15.00
    $15.00 - $15.00
    Precio actual $15.00
    Ahorre $3.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $81.00
    Precio original $81.00 - Precio original $81.00
    Precio original $81.00
    Precio actual $50.00
    $50.00 - $50.00
    Precio actual $50.00

    Shiseido Professional The Hair Care Adenovital ...

    Details: Brand: Shiseido Size: 5.0cm x 5.0cm x 22.0cm Weight: 240g ...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original $81.00
    Precio original $81.00 - Precio original $81.00
    Precio original $81.00
    Precio actual $50.00
    $50.00 - $50.00
    Precio actual $50.00
    Ahorre $31.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $10.00
    Precio original $10.00 - Precio original $10.00
    Precio original $10.00
    Precio actual $8.00
    $8.00 - $8.00
    Precio actual $8.00

    Shiseido Baby Powder Medicated Prensado 50g

    Shiseido Baby Powder es un polvo compacto (compacto) práctico y funcional que suaviza y blanquea la piel al controlar la excreción de grasa de la p...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original $10.00
    Precio original $10.00 - Precio original $10.00
    Precio original $10.00
    Precio actual $8.00
    $8.00 - $8.00
    Precio actual $8.00
    Ahorre $2.00 Ahorre $0.00
  • Precio original $25.00
    Precio original $25.00 - Precio original $25.00
    Precio original $25.00
    Precio actual $23.00
    $23.00 - $23.00
    Precio actual $23.00

    Honey Deep Moist Shampoo Refill Japan 350Ml Sup...

    Introducing the &Honey Deep Moist Shampoo Refill Japan 350Ml Super Moist Organic Intensive Moisturizing. This shampoo is 100% natural and organ...

    Ver todos los detalles
    Precio original $25.00
    Precio original $25.00 - Precio original $25.00
    Precio original $25.00
    Precio actual $23.00
    $23.00 - $23.00
    Precio actual $23.00
    Ahorre $2.00 Ahorre $0.00

What are Personal Care Products?  

Personal care is a wide category of products. It includes anything that can be used to take care of one's self. 

Common examples of personal care products are sunscreens, cleansers, makeup removers, lotions, serums, masks, makeup, shampoos, and conditioners. 

In some cases, even perfume can be considered a personal care item.

Because of the extensive nature of this product category, there are countless types, as well as sub-types. When browsing personal care products, you can think about where you are using them, why you are using them, and who you are getting them from. 

  • Where you are using them - Will you use them on/for your face or body? For either, are you using them on/for a particular body part? 
  • Why you are using them -  Are you seeking general care or specific treatment? Do you want to nourish your skin? Relieve aging symptoms? Control oil? Minimize impurities? 
  • Who you are getting them from - What personal care brands are you entrusting? Are they reputable? Do they have a good standing among customers? 

Why You Should Use Personal Care Products

Personal care products are made for you to take care of yourself. Including them in your daily routine can help you keep clean and feel good about yourself and your body. 

This translates to the maintenance of your health, dignity, and general well-being. Who would have thought a range of products could do so much! 

When your physical health and self-esteem are improved, you can foster better relationships and live a happier and fuller life. 

Types of Personal Care Products 

Personal Care Products For the Face 

Sun Care 

The main product for sun care is sunscreen. But there are many types of sunscreens. You can find sunscreens as creams, lotions, spray solutions, and powders. 

Sunscreens also differ by composition. There are chemical sunscreens and mineral sunscreens. In addition, there are classic sunscreens and tinted sunscreens. 

They can be categorized by the protection that they offer too. Some sunscreens shield against both UVA and UVB rays, while some shield against only one of the two. 

When shopping for sunscreens, you should consider the SPF+ that it provides. 

Besides sunscreens, there are anti-tan products that come in numerous forms, such as creams, lotions, spray solutions, powders, masks, etc. 

Skin Care 

Skincare is a very broad category, but generally, skincare products either deliver general care or specialized care. 

For the former, products are formulated to keep the skin healthy and happy. They would impart nutrients and provide nourishment. 

For the latter, products target specific skin concerns. Hence, it can be further divided. Examples include aging care, damage repair, sensitive skin care, etc. 

In this regard, products would be marketed by their purpose. 

If you have gone skincare shopping before, you will have a good idea of what this means. Here is a list of examples:

  • For hydrating and smoothening 
  • For whitening and brightening 
  • For dark spots and freckles
  • For wrinkles, fine lines, crow's feet 
  • For lifting and firming 
  • For acne and pimples

Skincare products are typically also organized by skin type. The main types are:

  • Normal skin
  • Dry skin 
  • Combination skin 
  • Sensitive skin 
  • Oily skin 
  • Acne-prone skin 
  • Mature or aging skin 

Oral Care 

Oral care is anything and everything for your mouth. This can be toothpaste, mouth wash, floss, etc. These products play an important role in upkeeping hygiene. 

Decorative Cosmetics 

This category can be understood as “makeup.” It can be any item used for decorative purposes on the face. They can be categorized by the part that they are used on/for, which may be further divided. For example:

  • For the eyes - For the eyebrows, for the eyelids, for the eyelashes. 
    • Eyebrow pencil, eyeshadow, eye color liquid, eyeliner, mascara, etc. 

All products can be sub-classified by their form and composition. You can find liquid and pencil eyeliners, for instance. 

Personal Care Products For the Body 

Body care is separate from facial care because the nature of the skin is different. Nonetheless, the body requires similar attention. Sun care and skin care overlap those of facial care. Perfume is another category of personal care products for the body. 

Most perfumes are classified by their composition. They tend to be marketed by gender too. 

Personal Care Products For the Hair 

Hair care includes shampoos, conditioners, treatment creams, lotions, and serums, as well as hair styling products. Every type can be further divided by:

  • Hair type - Damaged hair, dry hair, treated hair, thin hair, thick hair, frizzy hair, curly hair, straight hair, etc. 
  • Composition - Chemical-based products or plant-based products. The latter can avail of natural ingredients, extracts, etc. They may be marketed as vegan products. 

Where to Get Japanese Personal Care Products?

You can shop Japan personal care products from our online store Japan with Love. We have hundreds of authentic-only items that you can consider adding to your cart. Plus, we guarantee quick delivery!