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Japanese Beauty Products For All Skin Type

Beauty is a process that requires long-term perseverance, sometimes it will make you frustrated. To make beauty work faster and more effective, we often choose to use beauty products. The use of beauty products is now no stranger to most people. Not only playing the role of beautifying each individual, but beauty products also bring a lot of benefits that we did not expect. However, choosing and using beauty products that are right for you is equally important. Coming to today's article, Japan With Love wants to send you Japanese products suitable for your skin type.


Users around the world are not naturally drawn to Japanese beauty products. It is a long process of building a brand and a trusting perspective of Japanese beauty products brands. Some important factors for Japanese beauty products to always retain customers for many years can be mentioned as:

The prestige of Japanese beauty products brands

Prestige is always appreciated by the Japanese in all aspects. Therefore, if there is any defect in the product, they will be ready to recall, compensate and apologize to the customer. As a result, many customers trust, are satisfied, and understand the responsibility of the product creator.

Japanese Beauty Products Japan With Love

Product quality and ingredients

Japan always prioritizes the use of ingredients extracted from nature such as cherry blossom honey, green tea, white tea... in the way of skincare products to ensure safety, goodness, and non-irritating wait. In particular, green tea helps control oil, honey has antiseptic properties, cherry blossom makes the skin white and rosy, ... are widely used in all kinds of Japanese beauty products, from popular to high-end.

If you pay attention, you can see that products from Japan, from electronics, and household appliances to food, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals, are well-received by consumers. Because businesses always put prestige and product quality on the top. Not for profit but to reduce product quality has long built trust in consumers.

Always ensure the safety of users when using the product

Most Japanese beauty products, when available on the market, have been safely censored. They have to go through many rigorous quality tests to reach users. Thus, you can rest assured to trust and use Japanese beauty products.

Japanese Beauty Products Japan With Love

The special manufacturing process of Japanese beauty products

Japanese beauty products are prepared and tested in laboratories of international standards. It is not difficult for you to find complete information about the ingredients in a product. Customers can be assured that all special preparation processes for the product will be announced on the company's website. The Japanese cosmetic industry can be said to be the most developed in Asia and famous around the world. The production line of Japanese beauty products is on a large and modern technological scale. Each stage of production is extremely safe and clean. Every product that is created must undergo rigorous testing.


Each skin type will have a different care process, there is no universal formula that can be applied to everyone. There are four most common skin types, namely dry skin, normal skin, oily skin, and combination skin. Before you want to use certain Japanese beauty products, you need to clearly understand what your skin type is, what you need and what limitations. If you use Japanese beauty products that are not suitable for your skin, it may cause irritation, dermatitis, acne, and other health problems.

Japanese Beauty Products Japan With Love

To choose the right Japanese beauty products, you first need to determine what skin type you are to make the right choice of products. Let's refer to the ways to choose Japanese beauty products below:

Normal skin

This will probably be the most ideal skin for everyone. The surface of the skin is smooth, the pores are small and not dented, and the skin will not normally have a fixed shine but also will not peel. There will be a few wrinkles, however, but the downside is negligible. The types of Japanese products that you should use are skin-balancing products, without the need for those with too strong chemical concentrations, which can cause adverse effects. You need to remove makeup and wash your face daily to ensure the skin is always in the cleanest state.

Dry skin

Dry skin usually does not produce oil and is easily dehydrated. People with dry skin will have more visible wrinkles than other skin, pores are often very small and easily irritated. Dry skin creates discomfort because the skin is tight, and the epidermis lacks moisture, so it peels off, especially in winter or when exposed to an air-conditioned environment without enough moisture.

Japanese Beauty Products Japan With Love

You should choose Japanese beauty products that can nourish and moisturize the skin, beauty products should contain NMFs, and moisturizing agents such as urea, and glycerol. Choose products with serum or cream form to easily penetrate the skin. Avoid cosmetics containing alcohol, parabens, AHAs, and fragrances. You should choose products that have phrases like smooth, creamy, soft,...

Oily skin

Oily skin has a lot of sebum, and shine due to excess oil on the face. Often has relatively large pores, many dead cells, acne often appears and dark spots left by improperly squeezing acne. The aging process of people with oily skin will occur more slowly, due to good water retention and less development of wrinkles. However, the excess oil on the skin will make the makeup very easy to wash off.

Japanese Beauty Products Japan With Love

Oily skin people should choose and use products containing benzoyl peroxide to overcome acne. However, this ingredient will cause the skin to produce more oil. Therefore, you should combine Japanese beauty products containing salicylic acid to naturally exfoliate, helping to reduce clogged pores. Prioritize choosing gel-based products to limit oiliness, stickiness on the skin, exfoliating ingredients, and antibacterial properties to reduce acne.

Combination skin

Combination skin is a combination of dry and oily skin. Combination skin is divided into different zones, dry areas, and oily areas. The skin is often oily in the T-zone and dry on the cheeks. This is the most common skin type, but the treatment process takes a long time and causes many difficulties. You should prioritize using Japanese beauty products containing hydrogen acids such as BHA, and AHA. In addition, it will be more perfect if you choose products that are specifically formulated for combination skin, you can save additional costs and care time.

Japanese Beauty Products Japan With Love


Choosing the right Japanese beauty products for your skin type is very important because it greatly affects the skin recovery process. You can refer to some Japanese beauty products suitable for all skin types to prioritize using:

Ponds Age Beauty Creamy Cleansing 150ml - Ponds Face Cream Products Made In Japan

Ponds Age Beauty Creamy Cleansing has a deep cleansing power, as well as moisturizing oil, rich in serums to help beautify the skin. The product is designed for use as a makeup remover, which is an important first step in your skincare process. The texture penetrates your skin to easily adapt to the DNA that produces Melanin - which is also the ingredient in a natural sunscreen to protect against UV rays.

Japanese Beauty Products Japan With Love

The specific uses of the product are:

  • Can be used with all skin types, especially dry skin
  • Deep cleans, removes makeup, impurities, and dirt
  • Has an anti-aging Hada Hari formula that gives skin elasticity and firmness
  • Tightens skin, feels full of vitality
  • Leaves skin smooth and radiant

Ingredients: Mineral oil, water, cetanol, sunflower seed oil, perfume, denatured alcohol, and other ingredients,...


Lits Moist Beauty Essence 30ml All Skin Type - Beauty Products Made In Japan

You will feel a difference in your skin from the first time you use Lits Moist Beauty Essence. This Japanese beauty product has anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory properties, and the ability to soothe the skin and heal acne very quickly. As the name suggests, the product can be used with all skin types without irritation.

With the excellent moisturizing effect, researchers have shown that the Proteoglycan ingredient in the product has up to 30% better moisturizing ability than Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid.

Japanese Beauty Products Japan With Love

Helps lift and tighten facial skin if sagging, Proteoglycan also supports building healthy skin cells from within. Newly born collagen makes the skin healthier, and hyaluronic acid makes the skin softer, thereby forming smooth skin.

The essence of the product is liquid like water, so it is absorbed very quickly without causing stickiness.

Dew Emulsion Very Moist 100ml Milk All Skin Type

Dew Emulsion Very Moist 100ml Milk is a Japanese beauty product line in the form of milk, which helps moisturize and whiten the skin. The texture of the product is easily absorbed into the skin, helping the skin gradually become white, moist, and smooth. The combination of Mela-vita Crusher technology helps to restore dark spots, giving a smooth, healthy skin.

Japanese Beauty Products Japan With Love

Dew Emulsion Very Moist contains ingredients extracted from Bach Thao grass, a combination of Bach Thao extract and modern whitening technology to help even skin tone and minimize brown spots. The glucose component in plant sugar will help the skin retain moisture. Lecithin essence forms a protective film on the skin to retain moisture throughout the day.

Recommended objects are: For all skin types

Especially for those who have dark skin, melasma, freckles, brown spots, dry, rough skin,...


To avoid buying fake products that affect the health of your skin, please choose to buy products at Japanese online stores. Just to ensure safety when using, and to be carefully advised by experts on duty.

Japan With Love is also a Japanese online store that specializes in providing eye care, skincare, makeup,... from Japan. You can easily search for the products you want at the website.

Japanese Beauty Products Japan With Love

All products are thoroughly tested. You can completely trust to choose Japan With Love. Not only that, but Japan With Love also has social networking channels so that customers can easily learn and get dedicated advice before buying.

Japan With Love provides genuine cosmetics, supplements, foods, and collectibles manufactured in Japan.

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