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Exploring Japanese Beauty Standards And Cultural Influences

Exploring Japanese Beauty Standards and Cultural InfluencesJapanese beauty standards have got global attention because of their diversity in skincare and makeup styles. So, what are Japanese beauty standards? How have they evolved throughout history? What are the popular J-beauty standards now and how to achieve them? You can uncover everything in this Japan With Love article. Read now!

1. What are the Japanese beauty standards?

Japanese beauty standards have gone through changes and evolutions over many historical stages. Research on what beauty looked like in the past and how it has changed today in the J-beauty world generates many interesting insights, not only into beauty itself but also into cultural significance.

1.1. Traditional Japanese beauty standards

You might have been surprised when learning the Japanese beauty standards body in Asuka (592-710) & Nara Period (710–794) was chubby rather than slim. This feature indicated its cultural significance as makeup and appearances were among the factors stating the social classes at that time. The chubby looks usually got linked to rich and powerful women, then.

Japanese beauty ideals in the past.

Japanese beauty ideals in the past.

Japanese women in the Heian Period (794-1185) all wanted to have pouty lips, narrow eyes, thin noses, and round cheeks. The makeup was heavy as they applied a lot of white powder to the face and red-painted lips. After that, the Edo Period (1603-1868) put white skin, a small mouth, and a富士山額 (Mt. Fuji-shaped hairline) in fashion.

Although traditional Japanese beauty standards have changed, the features of having flawless and white skin are consistent throughout the test of time. That's why women depended on makeup factors, such as powder, to cover all the flaws and expose white skin.

Salient examples are the makeup style of Geisha and Maiko for their entertainment and performing jobs. The outstanding features are the super-white face with red lipsticks on a chubby face. These makeup styles spoke so much about how the Japanese appreciated beauty features in history.

1.2. Modern Japanese standards of beauty

As time ticks by, the social systems changed into a lesser hierarchy approach; hence, beauty speaks for individual personality rather than the social positions or the power women have. That's why diversity has become more dominant in the Japanese standards of beauty nowadays.

There are some noticeable trends, such as Kawaii looks. Yet, you can find many sub-types within one category. For example, if you are interested in kawaii makeup looks, you can explore pink kawaii, cute goth looks, or natural kawaii makeup styles. It depends on your preferences, personality, and your intentions of using every makeup style in a particular event.

The modern look of Japanese beauty.
The modern look of Japanese beauty.

Yet, you can still find some features of modern Japanese beauty standards in common with the traditional ones. Flawless white skin seems never to go out of style in Japan, no matter what era it is in. However, today people pay more attention to skincare than they did, as they now include skin's health in beauty standards.

That's why Japanese beauty products are among the top choices for not only Japanese women but also everyone, both men and women, around the world, thanks to their advanced approaches with nature-sourced ingredients.

Moreover, the makeup style now evolves into making it look as natural as possible. You may not recognize a Japanese woman wearing makeup and secretly think she has a perfect bareface. It indicates the cultural significance of how much the Japanese appreciate natural beauty rather than applying thick makeup to cover all the flaws.

Last but not least, the types of bodies now are also diverse in Japan, yet the slim, fit types are under the limelight. It explains why more and more people join the diet routine to lose weight or maintain their desired body shape.

2. Japan's beauty standards and cultural influences

Japan's beauty ideals are a captivating blend of tradition and contemporary influences. For centuries, fair, flawless skin and youthful features have been the time-tested features in the J-beauty world. However, the emphasis lies on achieving beauty through using products and methods to nourish and celebrate your natural beauty. Makeup serves to highlight features rather than dramatically alter them, and elaborate skincare routines are a cornerstone.

Japanese beauty and its cultural signifcance.

Japanese beauty and its cultural significance.

The rise of "Kawaii" culture, for example, embraces cuteness with features like large eyes and playful makeup. Yet, it does not stop being cute only but expanding to a wider range of styles to showcase the uniqueness of personality.

Western beauty trends hold some influence, especially on how Japanese celebrate the differences and break all the standards to show their healthy beauty through exercising, diets, and thorough skincare. The focus remains on achieving a balanced, natural look.

Yet, Japanese beauty goes beyond the physical. Inner qualities like kindness, good manners, and a positive attitude are equally valued. Thus, you can find a cultural emphasis on harmony and respect when researching Japanese beauty ideals.

3. How to achieve the ideal Japanese beauty standards

After the walkthrough of the Japanese beauty standards, you may start asking how to achieve them. This section shares a brief overview of three aspects that you should focus on, no matter what beauty styles you are following.

3.1. Skincare

As emphasized above, skincare plays an important role in the J-beauty world as it helps nourish your skin and treat some special skin concerns. Having healthy skin is an essential step to conquer any strict beauty criteria, not only in Japan but also wherever you are. Here are some tips for your daily skincare.

Skincare is an essential step for nourishing your skin and maintaining its youthful look.

Skincare is an essential step for nourishing your skin and maintaining its youthful look.
  • Cleansing: First and foremost, you should remove dirt and extra oil from your skin through the cleansing step. Be aware of choosing face wash as it may include chemicals that can strip away the natural moisturizing layers of your skin, or even cause irritation if you have sensitive skin types. The recommendation is to use gentle cleansers or products made from natural ingredients.
  • Hydration: Keeping your skin moistured is helpful to maintain its healthy look but also prevents the aging process. Besides drinking a lot of water every day, you should also use toners, serums, moisturizers, and creams like Hatomugi skin conditioner to make up for the lack of natural oils and moisturization for your skin.
  • Sun protection: Daily use of sunscreen prevents your skin from tanning and maintains a light, even skin tone. Besides, it can help you stay away from UV rays, which are the enemy of youth.

3.2. Makeup

There is a wide range of Japanese makeup styles, which can help you easily find the most suitable for your personality and preferences. You can love wearing the natural look, which focuses on enhancing your natural features with soft colors and subtle techniques. You may sometimes want to explore the Kawaii looks inspired by animes or follow the viral mochi looks.

3.3. Lifestyle

Having a healthy lifestyle forms a solid foundation for every beauty standard.
Having a healthy lifestyle forms a solid foundation for every beauty standard.

Achieving the J-beauty standards does not require you to pay thousands of dollars for cosmetics, but learn to choose matching products for your skin type and the styles that make you feel the most confident with. Besides, it honors natural looks with healthy skin and body. Therefore, you should not overlook the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, like getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and having a positive mind.

4. Conclusion

Japanese beauty standards have changed through different historical phases. People now focus on taking care of their skin and appreciating their natural looks while using makeup to leverage all their facial features. Additionally, slim and fit body types are now in fashion, which encourages people to hit the gym or regularly do exercises to maintain their desired shape.

Follow Japan With Love to learn more about trendy beauty makeup styles and amazing skincare products. 

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