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Different Types Of Nail Clippers: Which One Is Right For You?

Different Types Of Nail Clippers: Which One Is Right For You?

Taking care of your nails goes beyond just aesthetics. It's about maintaining healthy nail growth and preventing potential problems. But did you know that the type of nail clipper you use can actually impact your nail health?

Using the right nail clipper can make a world of difference. It can help you achieve clean, even cuts, minimize the risk of splitting or breakage, and even prevent ingrown nails. On the other hand, a dull or unsuitable clipper can lead to jagged edges, crushed nails, and increased susceptibility to infections.

In this blog,  Japan With Love will explore the different types of nail clippers available and help you choose the one that's perfect for your needs!

1. Lever-type clippers

Effortlessly trim your nails with lever-type clippers.
Effortlessly trim your nails with lever-type clippers.

Lever-type clippers are the most common type of nail clipper. They feature a lever mechanism with a single cutting blade that moves down to clip the nail as you squeeze the handles.


  • Easy to use: The lever action requires minimal hand strength, making them ideal for people with limited dexterity.
  • Good for thick nails: The powerful leverage makes them effective for clipping thicker nails.


  • Can be bulky: The lever mechanism can make them a bit larger than other types.
  • Less precise: The single blade design may not offer the same level of precision as some other clippers.

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2. Nipper clippers

Nipper clippers are designed for accuracy and control in your grooming routine.
Nipper clippers are designed for accuracy and control in your grooming routine.

Nipper clippers resemble small surgical pliers. This type of nail clipper has two opposing blades that meet at a precise point to clip the nail.


  • Very precise: The two-blade design allows for clean and controlled cuts, making them ideal for shaping nails or trimming delicate areas.
  • Good for intricate nail shapes: The precise cut allows for creating specific nail shapes.


  • Requires more hand strength: Squeezing the nipper handles requires more force compared to lever clippers.
  • Not ideal for thick nails: The narrow blades may struggle with very thick nails.

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3. Scissor clippers

Scissor clippers offer control and versatility for your grooming needs.
Scissor clippers offer control and versatility for your grooming needs.

Scissor clippers function similarly to regular scissors, but with a smaller size and curved blades designed for fingernails and toenails.


  • Precise cuts: The scissor design offers good control and allows for precise cuts.
  • Good for trimming ingrown nails: The maneuverability of the scissors allows for better access to ingrown nails.


  • Can be bulky: The scissor design can be a bit larger than some other clippers.
  • Requires some practice to use: Using scissor clippers effectively may take some practice to get used to the cutting technique.

👉 Shop and elevate your nail care routine: Ratox Luxury Nail Clippers - No Fly-Off Easy Cut Metal Unisex Stylish Nail File (Gray) - Made In Japan

4. Guillotine clippers

Guillotine clippers provide a clean and quick cut for optimal grooming, catering for long nails.
Guillotine clippers provide a clean and quick cut for optimal grooming, catering for long nails.

These types of nail clippers feature a single blade that slides down a groove to clip the nail as you squeeze the handles. The nail is inserted through a small hole at the top of the clipper.


  • Simple to use: The guillotine design requires minimal effort and is very user-friendly.
  • Affordable: Guillotine clippers are typically the most affordable option.


  • Less precise: The single blade design offers less control and can lead to uneven cuts.
  • Can crush nails: The guillotine action can put pressure on the nail, potentially causing crushing or splitting.

👉 Order yours today: Green Bell - Takuminowaza High Quality Nail Clipper Large g-1201

5. Electric nail clippers

Simplify your nail care routine with electric nail clippers.
Simplify your nail care routine with electric nail clippers.

Electric nail clippers are a battery-powered option that uses a rotating grinding wheel to trim and file nails.


  • Easy to use: Electric clippers require minimal hand strength and can be easier to maneuver.
  • Helpful for people with limited dexterity: Those with arthritis or other limitations may find electric clippers to be a comfortable option.


  • Noisier than manual clippers: The electric motor can generate some noise during operation.
  • Requires batteries: Electric clippers rely on batteries that need to be replaced periodically.

6. How to choose the right nail clipper for you

Now that you're familiar with the different types of nail clippers and their functionalities, let's revisit the key features of each:

  • Lever-type clippers: Easy to use, ideal for thick nails (but bulky and less precise depending on the brands). Usually, Japanese lever-type nail clippers are more precise and sharper.
  • Nipper clippers: Very precise, great for intricate shapes (but require more hand strength and not ideal for thick nails).
  • Scissor clippers: Precise cuts, good for ingrown nails (but can be bulky and require practice).
  • Guillotine clippers: Simple and affordable (but less precise and can crush nails).
  • Electric nail clippers: Easy to use for those with limited dexterity (but noisy and require batteries).
It's essential to know about different types of nail clippers and choose the right one for you.
It's essential to know about different types of nail clippers and choose the right one for you.

🩷 Learn more about Top 9 Best Japanese Nail Clippers For Your Perfect Manicures

Consider these factors when making your choice:

  • Nail type:
    • Thin or brittle nails: Opt for nipper clippers or scissor clippers for their precise cuts that minimize splitting.
    • Thick nails: Lever-type clippers are your best bet with their powerful cutting ability.
  • Nail shape preference:
    • Round or square nails: Most clippers will work well, but lever-type or guillotine clippers might be easiest.
    • Almond or other pointed shapes: Nipper clippers offer the most control for shaping.
  • Hand size and strength:
    • Smaller hands or limited dexterity: Consider lever-type clippers or electric clippers for their ease of use.
    • Stronger hands: You have more flexibility and can choose from any type of clipper.
  • Personal preference:
    • Ease of use: If simplicity is your priority, lever-type or guillotine clippers might be ideal.
    • Precision: For the most control over your nail shape and cut, nipper or scissor clippers are the way to go.

Remember, the perfect nail clipper is the one that feels comfortable in your hand and allows you to achieve clean, healthy-looking nails. Don't be afraid to experiment with different types to find your perfect match!

To wrap it up

The world of nail clippers might seem small, but there's a surprising variety to choose from! We explored five types of nail clippers: lever-type clippers, nipper clippers, scissor clippers, guillotine clippers, and electric nail clippers.

Choosing the right nail clipper for your needs is important. The right tool can help you achieve healthy, beautiful nails and prevent problems like splitting, breakage, and ingrown nails. So next time you're at the store, consider your nail type, desired shape, and hand strength to find your perfect clipper match!

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